Moving to Production with Multi-Stage Builds

See the motivation behind multi-stage build with an example.

Keeping Docker images small

When it comes to Docker images, big is bad! Big means slow. Big means hard to work with. And big means more potential vulnerabilities and possibly a bigger attack surface!

For these reasons, Docker images should be small. The aim of the game is to only ship production images with the stuff needed to run your app in production.

The problem is that keeping images small was hard work.

For example, the way you write your Dockerfiles has a huge impact on the size of your images. A common example is that every RUN instruction adds a new layer. As a result, it’s usually considered a best practice to include multiple commands as part of a single RUN instruction—all glued together with double-ampersands (&&) and backslash (\) line-breaks. While this isn’t rocket science, it requires time and discipline.

Another issue is that we don’t clean up after ourselves. We’ll RUN a command against an image that pulls some build-time tools, and we’ll leave all those tools in the image when we ship it to production. That is not ideal!

Multi-stage builds to the rescue! Multi-stage builds are all about optimizing builds without adding complexity. And they deliver on the promise!

Here’s the high-level:

Multi-stage builds have a single Dockerfile containing multiple FROM instructions. Each FROM instruction is a new build stage that can easily COPY artifacts from previous stages.

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