List Users

Learn how to retrieve Marqeta users’ information.


In this lesson, we’ll look at a couple of useful endpoints that allow us to retrieve a list of all registered Marqeta users as well as a single Marqeta user’s information.


Get all users

We can get a list of all users by making a GET request to the {BASE_URL}/users endpoint. This enlists all the active and non-active users. This endpoint allows us to filter the visibility of the response fields if required. This endpoint also supports pagination, which allows us to retrieve a specific range of resources from a complete and sorted list of returned resources.

Get user information

Similarly, we can retrieve the information of a single Marqeta user by making a GET request to the {BASE_URL}/users/{token} endpoint. The path parameter ({token}) refers to the token of the user whose information we want to retrieve. This endpoint allows us to filter the visibility of the response fields if required.

Request parameters

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