Demo Application

Learn how to integrate the AccuWeather APIs in a simple Django weather application.

In this lesson, we see a simple weather application built using Bootstrap and AccuWeather APIs with the Python-based web framework, Django. This application provides us with current weather information. Moreover, it provides hourly forecasts for a period of 12 hours and daily weather forecasts for a period of 5 days for locations of our choice.

Running the application

Step 1: Click the "Run" button to start the application. Click the URL next to "Your app can be found at:" in the widget below to open the application in a new tab.

Step 2: Once the server starts, we see a homepage with a search bar. Enter a location in the format requested (City, Country).

Note: It is recommended to select a location from the list which is automatically populated in the textbox.

Step 3: After entering the location in the search bar, press "Enter" or click the search icon.

Step 4: We now see three tabs, one each for "Current Weather," "Hourly Forecasts," and "Daily Forecasts." Switch between tabs to check out the corresponding weather data.

Application code

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