Kubernetes Playgrounds

A few Kubernetes playground examples.

We'll cover the following

Test playgrounds are the simplest ways to get Kubernetes, but they’re not intended for production. Common examples include Magic Sandbox, Play with Kubernetes, and Docker Desktop.

With Magic Sandbox, you register for an account and login. That’s it; you’ve instantly got a fully working multi-node private cluster that’s ready to go. You also get curated lessons and hands-on labs.

Play with Kubernetes requires you to login with a GitHub or Docker Hub account and follow a few simple steps to build a cluster that lasts for four hours.

Docker Desktop is a free desktop application from Docker, Inc. You download and run the installer, and after a few clicks, you’ve got a single-node development cluster on your laptop.

⚠️ Note: Kubernetes is a fast-developing technology; due to that, version changes, and different cluster names, the output might a bit different from what is mentioned in this course.

The course’s GitHub repo

The course has a GitHub repo with all of the YAML code and examples used throughout the course:

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