Route 53 Traffic Flow, Resolver, and Charges

Learn about Route 53 Traffic Flow, Route 53 Resolver, and charges for Route 53.

We'll cover the following

Traffic Flow

Route 53 Traffic Flow provides Global Traffic Management (GTM) services. Traffic Flow policies allow you to create routing configurations for resources using routing types such as failover and geolocation. You can create policies that route traffic based on specific constraints, including latency, endpoint health, load, geo-proximity, and geography.

Scenarios include:

  • Adding a simple backup page in Amazon S3 for a website.
  • Building sophisticated routing policies that consider an end user’s geographic location, proximity to an AWS Region, and the health of each of your endpoints.

Amazon Route 53 Traffic Flow also includes a versioning feature that allows you to:

  • maintain a history of changes to your routing policies;
  • easily roll back to a previous policy version using the console or API.

Route 53 Resolver

Route 53 Resolver is a set of features that enable bi-directional querying between on-premises and AWS over private connections. It is used to enable DNS resolution for hybrid clouds.

Route 53 Resolver Endpoints

  • Inbound query capability is provided by Route 53 Resolver Endpoints, allowing DNS queries that originate on-premises to resolve AWS hosted domains.
  • Connectivity needs to be established between your on-premises DNS infrastructure and AWS through a Direct Connect (DX) or a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
  • Endpoints are configured through IP address assignment in each subnet for which you would like to provide a resolver.

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