Questions 40 to 42

Explanations for questions 40 to 42

We'll cover the following

Question 40

A solutions architect is considering the best approach to enabling Internet access for EC2 instances in a private subnet. What advantages do NAT gateways have over NAT instances? (Select TWO)

  1. NAT gateways can be assigned to security groups.
  2. NAT gateways can be used as a bastion host.
  3. NAT gateways are managed for you by AWS.
  4. NAT gateways are highly available within each AZ.
  5. NAT gateways can be scaled up manually.

Correct Answer: 3, 4

Explanation: NAT gateways are managed for you by AWS. NAT gateways are highly available in each AZ into which they are deployed. They are not associated with any security groups and can scale automatically up to 45 Gbps

NAT instances are managed by you. They must be scaled manually and do not provide HA. NAT instances can be used as bastion hosts and can be assigned to security groups.

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