Questions 10 to 12

Explanations for questions 10 to 12

We'll cover the following

Question 10

A solutions architect manages multiple Amazon RDS MySQL databases. To improve security, the solutions architect wants to enable secure user access with short-lived credentials. How can these requirements be met?

  1. Configure the MySQL databases to use the AWS Security Token Service (STS).
  2. Configure the application to use the AUTH command to send a unique password.
  3. Create the MySQL user accounts to use the AWSAuthenticationPlugin with IAM.
  4. Configure the MySQL databases to use AWS KMS data encryption keys.

Correct Answer: 3

Explanation: With MySQL, authentication is handled by AWSAuthenticationPlugin — an AWS-provided plugin that works seamlessly with IAM to authenticate your IAM users. Connect to the DB instance and issue the CREATE USER statement, as shown in the following example.

CREATE USER jane_doe IDENTIFIED WITH AWSAuthenticationPlugin AS 'RDS';

The IDENTIFIED WITH clause allows MySQL to use the AWSAuthenticationPlugin to authenticate the database account (jane_doe). The AS 'RDS' clause refers to the authentication method, and the specified database account should have the same name as the IAM user or role. In this example, both the database account and the IAM user or role are named jane_doe.

INCORRECT: “Configure the MySQL databases to use the AWS Security Token Service (STS).” is incorrect. You cannot configure MySQL to directly use the AWS STS.

INCORRECT: “Configure the application to use the AUTH command to send a unique password.” is incorrect. This is used with Redis databases, not with RDS databases.

CORRECT: “Create the MySQL user accounts to use the AWSAuthenticationPlugin with IAM.” is the correct answer.

INCORRECT: “Configure the MySQL databases to use AWS KMS data encryption keys.” is incorrect. Data encryption keys are used for data encryption, not management of connections strings.


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