Doubly Linked Lists (DLL)

After singly-linked lists, we've come to the more evolved version of the linked list data structure: doubly-linked lists.

Introduction #

By now, you may have noticed a constraint that arises when dealing with singly-linked lists. For any function which does not operate at the head, we must traverse the whole list.

Furthermore, since a linked list can only be traversed in one direction, this limits us to a great extent. Thus we needlessly have to keep track of previous elements.

This is where the doubly linked list comes to the rescue!

Structure of the Doubly Linked List (DLL) #

The only difference between doubly and singly-linked lists is that in DLLs, each node contains pointers for both the previous and the next node. This makes the DLLs bi-directional.

To implement this in code, we simply need to add a new member to the already constructed Node class:

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