Challenge: Profile Actions Items

In this challenge, you'll add the remaining Profile action items.

We'll cover the following

Challenge: Profile actions items

In this challenge, you’ll add the rest of the Profile Action Items along with “Call” & “Text” action items:

  • Video

    • Hint: The Icons.video_call icon is appropriate for the the “Video” action. Add the buildVideoCallButton() method as a child to the parent Row widget.
  • Email

    • Hint: The icon is appropriate for “Email” action. Add the buildEmailButton() method as a child to the parent Row widget.
  • Directions

    • Hint: The Icons.directions icon is appropriate for the “Directions” action. Add the buildDirectionsButton() method as a child to the parent Row widget.
  • Pay

    • Hint: The Icons.attach_money icon is appropriate for the the “Pay” action. Add the buildPayButton() method as a child to the parent Row widget.

After adding action items above, add a Divider widget to separate the Profile Action Items from other widgets below it.

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