Questions 31 to 33

Explanations for questions 31 to 33

We'll cover the following

Question 31

A web application is deployed in multiple regions behind an ELB Application Load Balancer. You need deterministic routing to the closest region and automatic failover. Traffic should traverse the AWS global network for consistent performance.

How can this be achieved?

  1. Configure AWS Global Accelerator, and configure the ALBs as targets.
  2. Place an EC2 Proxy in front of the ALB, and configure automatic failover.
  3. Create a Route 53 Alias record for each ALB, and configure a latency-based routing policy.
  4. Use a CloudFront distribution with multiple custom origins in each region, and configure for high availability.

Correct Answer: 1

Explanation: AWS Global Accelerator is a service that improves the availability and performance of applications with local or global users. You can configure the ALB as a target, and Global Accelerator will automatically route users to the closest point of presence.

Failover is automatic and does not rely on any client-side cache changes as the IP addresses for Global Accelerator are static anycast addresses. Global Accelerator also uses the AWS global network, which ensures consistent performance.

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