Questions 34 to 36

Explanations for questions 34 to 36

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Question 34

A solutions architect is designing the system monitoring and deployment layers of a serverless application. The system monitoring layer will manage system visibility through recording logs and metrics, and the deployment layer will deploy the application stack and manage workload changes through a release management process.

The architect needs to select the most appropriate AWS services for these functions. Which services and frameworks should be used for the system monitoring and deployment layers? (Select TWO)

  1. Use AWS CloudTrail for consolidating system and application logs and monitoring custom metrics.
  2. Use AWS X-Ray to package, test, and deploy the serverless application stack.
  3. Use AWS SAM to package, test, and deploy the serverless application stack.
  4. Use Amazon CloudWatch for consolidating system and application logs and monitoring custom metrics.
  5. Use AWS Lambda to package, test, and deploy the serverless application stack.

Correct Answer: 3, 4

Explanation: AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an extension of AWS CloudFormation that is used for packaging, testing, and deploying serverless applications. With Amazon CloudWatch, you can access system metrics on all the AWS services you use, consolidate system and application-level logs, and create business key performance indicators (KPIs) as custom metrics for your specific needs.

INCORRECT: “Use AWS CloudTrail for consolidating system and application logs and monitoring custom metrics.” is incorrect as CloudTrail is used for auditing, not performance monitoring.

INCORRECT: “Use AWS X-Ray to package, test, and deploy the serverless application stack.” is incorrect. AWS X-Ray lets you analyze and debug serverless applications by providing distributed tracing and service maps to easily identify performance bottlenecks by visualizing a request end-to-end.

CORRECT: “Use AWS SAM to package, test, and deploy the serverless application stack.” is a correct answer.

CORRECT: “Use Amazon CloudWatch for consolidating system and application logs and monitoring custom metrics.” is also a correct answer.

INCORRECT: “Use AWS Lambda to package, test, and deploy the serverless application stack.” is incorrect. AWS Lambda is used for executing your code as functions; it is not used for packaging, testing, and deployment. AWS Lambda is used with AWS SAM.


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