
Learn about group axioms and finite groups in this lesson.

Binary operators


A binary operator on a nonempty set GG is a function *, which combines two given elements a,bGa, b \in G and maps them to a new element (a,b)*(a, b), to say i.e.,

:G×GG,(a,b)(a,b)*: G \times G \rightarrow G, \quad(a, b) \mapsto *(a, b)

Instead of writing (a,b)*(a, b), we write aba * b from now on.


The addition ++ is a binary operation defined on the integers Z.\mathbb{Z} . Instead of writing +(5,7)=12+(5,7)=12, we write 5+7=125+7=12.

Note: For any given a,bGa, b \in G, it follows that abGa * b \in G, according to the definition given above. Thus, we say that the set GG is closed with respect to ()(*).


We consider the following examples of closure:

  1. The set of integers Z\mathbb{Z} is closed with respect to the binary operation ++ of addition, meaning that the sum of two integers is also an integer.
  2. The set 2Z2 \mathbb{Z} of even integers is closed under addition because the sum of two even integers gives an even integer since 2a+2b=2(a+b)2Z2 a+2 b=2(a+b) \in 2 \mathbb{Z}. Conversely, the set Z\2Z\mathbb{Z} \backslash 2 \mathbb{Z} of odd integers is not closed under addition because the addition of two odd integers always yields an even integer.

The group axioms


A set of elements GG together with a binary operation * is called a group if the following axioms are satisfied:

  • Closure property: The group operation * is closed, i.e., for all a,bGa, b \in G, it holds that ab=a * b= cGc \in G.

  • Associativity: The group operation * is associative, i.e., a(bc)=(ab)ca *(b * c)=(a * b) * c for all a,b,cGa, b, c \in G.

    1. Identity property: There’s an identity or neutral element eGe \in G, such that, ea=ae=e * a=a * e= aa, for all aGa \in G.

    2. Inverse property: For each aGa \in G, there exists an inverse element of aa, namely a1a^{-1}, such that a1a=aa1=ea^{-1} * a=a * a^{-1}=e.

Furthermore, a group GG is said to be abelian (or commutative) if ab=baa * b=b * a, for all a,bGa, b \in G.

Note: We usually write (G,)(G, *) to GG in order to make clear that the group GG takes the operation * as a basis. If (G,)(G, *) forms an additive group, we write ab=a * b= a+ba+b, whereas the neutral element is written as e=0e=0, and the inverse element to aa is given by a.-a . In case the group is multiplicative, we write ab=ab=aba * b=a \cdot b=a b and denote the neutral element by e=1e=1 and the inverse by a1=1aa^{-1}=\frac{1}{a}.


  1. (N0,+)\left(\mathbb{N}_{0},+\right) doesn’t form a group since there’s no inverse element to aa, such that a+(a)=0a+(-a)=0.

  2. (Z,+)(\mathbb{Z},+) with the neutral element 0 and the inverse element a-a forms an abelian group because it holds that 0+a=a+0=a0+a=a+0=a for all aZa \in \mathbb{Z} and (a)+a=a+(a)=0(-a)+a=a+(-a)=0 for all aZa \in \mathbb{Z}.

  3. (Z,+),(R,+)(\mathbb{Z},+),(\mathbb{R},+), and (C,+)(\mathbb{C},+) form abelian groups with e=0e=0 and a1=a^{-1}= a-a.

  4. (Q,)(\mathbb{Q}, \cdot) and (R,)(\mathbb{R}, \cdot) are not groups because there’s no inverse element for 00.

  5. We denote Q=Q\{0}\mathbb{Q}^{*}=\mathbb{Q} \backslash\{0\} and R=R\{0}\mathbb{R}^{*}=\mathbb{R} \backslash\{0\}. Then, (Q,)\left(\mathbb{Q}^{*}, \cdot\right) and (R,)\left(\mathbb{R}^{*}, \cdot\right) are abelian groups with e=1e=1 and a1=1a.a^{-1}=\frac{1}{a} . Note that Z=Z\{0}\mathbb{Z}^{*}=\mathbb{Z} \backslash\{0\} is not a group, because there is no inverse element 1a\frac{1}{a} for any element a.a .

Proposition 1:

Let nNn \in \mathbb{N} with n2.n \geq 2 . Then, (Zn,)(\left(\mathbb{Z}_{n}, \oplus\right)( with \oplus of the definition: Addition and multiplication modulo :Addition_and_Multiplication_Modulo ) is an abelian group.


Let a,b,cZn.a, b, c \in \mathbb{Z}_{n} . We show that the group axioms are satisfied:

  • G0: The group operation \oplus is closed because of the operator’s definition: addition and multiplication modulo:Addition_and_Multiplication_Modulo

  • G1: Because of the associativity of (Z,+)(\mathbb{Z},+), we conclude that

aˉ(bˉcˉ)=aˉb+c=a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c=a+bcˉ=(aˉbˉ)cˉ,\begin{aligned} \bar{a} \oplus(\bar{b} \oplus \bar{c}) &=\bar{a} \oplus \overline{b+c}=\overline{a+(b+c)}=\overline{(a+b)+c}=\overline{a+b} \oplus \bar{c} \\ &=(\bar{a} \oplus \bar{b}) \oplus \bar{c}, \end{aligned}

which shows that \oplus is associative.

  • G2:
  1. The element 0Zn0 \in \mathbb{Z}_{n} is the identity element because

0aˉ=0+a=aˉ\overline{0} \oplus \bar{a}=\overline{0+a}=\bar{a}


aˉ0=a+0=aˉ\bar{a} \oplus \overline{0}=\overline{a+0}=\bar{a}

for every aˉZn\bar{a} \in \mathbb{Z}_{n}.

  1. There’s an inverse for each element aˉZn\bar{a} \in \mathbb{Z}_{n}, because

aˉna=a+(na)=nˉ=0\bar{a} \oplus \overline{n-a}=\overline{a+(n-a)}=\bar{n}=\overline{0}

for every aˉZn\bar{a} \in \mathbb{Z}_{n}.

Furthermore, the group (Zn,)\left(\mathbb{Z}_{n}, \oplus\right) is commutative because

aˉbˉ=a+b=b+a=bˉaˉ\bar{a} \oplus \bar{b}=\overline{a+b}=\overline{b+a}=\bar{b} \oplus \bar{a}

for every aˉ,bˉZn\bar{a}, \bar{b} \in \mathbb{Z}_{n} since (Z,+)(\mathbb{Z},+) is also commutative.

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