System basics, Keys, and Addresses

Learn about system basics, keys, and addresses of Bitcoin.

System basics

The ownership and transfer of coins are specified by digital keys, addresses, and digital signatures. The Bitcoin protocol relies on public-key cryptography in order to create a corresponding pair of a private key dd and a public key QQ for access control and to provide the ability to generate digital signatures. More precisely, the Bitcoin protocol uses elliptic curve cryptography based on the elliptic curve secp256k1, which is specified by Certicom. Each user occupies their own database, called a Bitcoin wallet, which contains a collection of corresponding key pairs, whereas a valid Bitcoin address is a hash of the public key. Each user is allowed to generate as many keys and addresses as they want. An owner of a private key that corresponds to funds on the public ledger can spend the funds to an address of any recipient by signing a transaction.

Keys and addresses

In this section, we introduce Bitcoin’s key and address creation. The Bitcoin protocol uses the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) based on the secp256k1secp256k1 curve.

The secp256k1secp256k1 private key dd is a randomly selected 256-bit (32-byte) unsigned integer d[1,n1]d \in[1, n-1], where n=#E(Fp)n=\# E\left(\mathbb{F}_{p}\right) is the order of the elliptic curve. The secp256k1 public key QQ is then derived from the private key kk by dP=Q=(x0,yQ)d P=Q=\left(x_{0}, y_{Q}\right), where PP is the specified basepoint and the coordinates xQx_{Q} and yQy_{Q} are two 256 -bit integers. Since the public key is deterministically derived through a one-way function from the corresponding private key, the public key doesn’t need to be stored in the protocol. The public key QQ is represented in a compressed format Qˉ\bar{Q}, where the compressed key is 3333 bytes long and only consists of the coordinate xQx_{Q}, including a constant prefix either of 00x0303 if the xQx_{Q} coordinate is odd, or 00x0202 if the xQx_{Q} coordinate is even.

In early versions of the Bitcoin protocol, the address was represented by the public key Q. However, Bitcoin changed this and is now using the hash of the public key QQ as an address instead of the public key itself. This selection wasn’t made intentionally because of security reasons, but rather to save memory space. However, as we’ll see later, this choice yields an advantage for quantum security. So, a Bitcoin address is, roughly speaking, a representation of the Base58Base58 encoded cryptographic hash of the compressed ECDSA public key, computed according to Algorithm 8.

The compressed ECDSA public key Qˉ\bar{Q} is hashed twice, first using SHA256SHA256, which produces a hash of 256 bits (32 bytes), and then RIPEMD160, which produces a hash h1h_{1} of 160 bits (20 bytes). According to Franco (2014)Pedro Franco. Understanding Bitcoin: Cryptography, Engineering, and Economics. The Wiley Finance Series. New York, NY, 2014. Wiley., the second hashing is only done to reduce the size of the address in order to save memory space. In the next step, a prefix 00x0000 is added in front of the hash value h1h_{1}. Next, a checksum is computed by applying the double-SHA256 hash to h1h_{1}, whereas only the first four bytes of the resulting 32-byte (256-bit) hash are kept to serve as error-checking code, which is then concatenated to the end of h1h_{1}. The final result is then encoded with Base58B a s e 58, a binary-to-text encoding protocol that computes binary data to a readable text format in order to generate a compact and easy-to-read address.

Algorithm 8: Bitcoin address generation

Required: Compressed public key Qˉ\bar{Q}.

  1. h1=RIPEMD160(SHA256(Qˉ))h_1 = \text{RIPEMD160(SHA256(}\bar{Q})).
  2. a=0x00h1a = 0x00 \| h1.
  3. h2=SHA256(SHA256(a))h_2 = \text{SHA256(SHA256(}a))
  4. A=Base58(ah2[31:28])A = \text{Base58(}a \| h2 [ 31 : 28])
  5. Return Bitcoin address A.


Note: The code will take a long time the first time we execute it, but it will run smoothly after that.

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