Recap of Cryptography for Personal Devices

Let's have a look at a summary of the chapter.

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This chapter took a brief look at some of the cryptography used to protect personal devices. Improved device capability has resulted in a wider range of personal devices providing a wider range of services. This, in turn, has increased the importance of securing personal devices and the challenges associated with providing the necessary protection. As we have seen, modern personal devices thus make extensive use of cryptography.

While some of the uses of cryptography we discussed require conscious action by the device user, most happen automatically without the device user’s awareness. This trend of providing more default cryptography applications should lead to better protection for personal devices and the data held on them. The level of detail publicly available about cryptography on such devices is also part of a welcome trend toward increased transparency concerning the security of personal devices.

Our focus on particular services and platforms in this chapter shouldn’t be interpreted as identifying exemplars in this area. Other services and platforms exist, many of which provide excellent cryptographic support. Indeed, exploration by the reader of the security of alternatives is strongly encouraged.

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