Exploring Spatio-Temporal Player Behavior in Dota 2

Learn to use stratmapper, and how to play with the data in stratmapper.


The dataset used in this lab comes from the game Defense of the Ancients 2 (Dota 2). The data comes from two matches from a tournament league. It includes playing traces for all 20 players (10 in each game, 5 on each team). A player’s trace includes, among other details, the hero they’re playing, kills, deaths, and location over time. StratMapper displays this information visually by overlaying it on top of a timeline and a game map.

The raw data is arranged per match in a csv file format. The data records several types of events. Each line in the csv file is an event with a matching ID to relate the event back to the match. The table below shows the list of these events and the corresponding contexts. Each recorded event has a time stamp identifying when this event has happened.

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