Create Playlist and Add Items to a Playlist

Learn to create a playlist and add items to it using a Spotify user account.

In this lesson, we'll discuss two endpoints. One is used to create a playlist using a Spotify user account, and the other is used to add items, or tracks, to that playlist or a different playlist that the user owns.

New playlist

The Create Playlist endpoint of the Spotify API creates a playlist using our current user's Spotify account. The base URI of this endpoint is{user_id}/playlists. We'll need the Spotify ID of the user to create the playlist. The {user_id} in the base URI is replaced with the Spotify ID of the user when calling the API. A POST request is used to create a playlist. The playlist created will be empty.

Request parameters

This endpoint has no query parameters.

The body parameters of this endpoint will contain information about the playlist. The information about these parameters is given below:

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