Performance Measures and Evaluations

Learn how to evaluate the performance of our model.

We used the percentage of misclassification as an objective function to evaluate the performance of the model. This is a common choice and often a good start in our examples, but there are other commonly used evaluation measures that we should understand. Let’s consider first a binary classification case where it is common to call one class positive and the other class negative. This nomenclature comes from diagnostics, such as trying to decide if a person has a disease based on some clinical tests. We can then define the following four performance indicators:

  • True Positive (TP): The number of correctly predicted positive samples.
  • True Negative (TN): The number of correctly predicted negative samples.
  • False Positive (FP): The number of incorrectly predicted positive samples.
  • False Negative (FN): The number of incorrectly predicted negative samples.

Confusion matrix

These numbers are often summarized in a confusion matrix, and such a matrix layout is shown in the figure below.

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