Refresh Token Grant

Get familiar with the use of refresh token grant and the State parameter in this lesson.

A refresh token is similar to the access token. It’s issued to the client by the authorization server, and it’s of no importance to the client what the contents of the token are. The difference is that the refresh token is not issued to be sent to the resource server. Instead, it’s used to request a new access token without the user being redirected.


  • The client sends a POST request with the following body parameters to the authorization server:
    • grant_type contains the value refresh_token

    • refresh_token contains the refresh token itself

    • client_id contains the ID of the client

    • client_secret contains the client secret

    • scope a space-delimited list of requested scope permissions (optional)

If no scope is provided, the default is used.


The authorization server will respond with a JSON object that looks like this:

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": "<the time after the token is expired>",
  "access_token": "<the access token itself>",
  "refresh_token": "<the refresh token>"

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