Challenge: Regression Analysis

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Explained sum of squares

The explained sum of squares (ESS), also known as the explained variation, is the portion of total variation that measures how well the regression equation explains the relationship between XX and YY.

Residual sum of squares

The residual sum of squares (RSS), also known as unexplained variation, is the portion of total variation that measures discrepancies (errors) between the actual values of YY and those estimated by the regression equation.

Problem statement

You are given a piece of R code for calculating the TSS, ESS, and RSS. The task is to compute the TSS, ESS, and RSS by using the given dataset (final.85) and model (model1).


  1. Total variations in yy, that is., total sum of squares (TSS).

Σi=1n(yiyˉ)2\Sigma_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - \bar y)^2

  It means the sum of squared deviations of actual yy from mean of yy (yˉ\bar y ) across observations.

  1. Explained variations in yy, that is, explained sum of squares (ESS).


  It means the sum of squared deviations of predicted y^\hat y from mean yˉ\bar y across observations.

  1. Unexplained variations in yy, that is, residual sum of squares (RSS).


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