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Semantic HTML

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Semantic tags were introduced in HTML5. They describe the meaning of the particular elements of a webpage. They help us to build a clear structure of our website. Semantic tags give accessibility and readability to users, creators, and search engine optimization.


  • <header> Header of the webpage or an article. You can nest other elements inside this tag, such as subtitle, date, or navigation.

  • <nav> Navigation of the webpage. You can nest list and other elements inside.

  • <h1> - <h6> Headers with different levels of importance (h1 - main one, h6 - little ones). They create a hierarchy of content on the page, sort of a kind of table of content on the webpage.

Main contents

  • <main> The main content of a webpage. There should only be one main tag on the page - it’s usually a container between a header/navigation and a footer.

  • <section> A part of the site for a specific purpose. Designates an area of a page with consistent content.

  • <article> A complete, independent, and consistent part of the page, such as an article.

  • <aside> Sidebar or call-out box with content indirectly related to the website’s main content.

  • <footer> A footer usually contains info about the author, copyright data, or links.


  • <time> Provides a date (or date and time) of an article. It gets a [datetime] attribute with date in ISO-8601 format.

  • <figure> A tag for img, video, or audio content. Can also contain a description.

  • <figcaption> An accurate description of the object provided within the figure tag.

  • <address> Provides contact info: mailing address, phone numbers, etc. Typically included in a footer tag.

See the original post here.


web development
web design


Natalia Bubiak
  1. undefined by undefined
  2. undefined by undefined
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