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What is JNDI?

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JNDIJava Naming and Directory Interface is an APIApplication Programming Interface that provides naming and directory functionality to Java applications. It can be used in distributed systems so that even if a system has multiple servers, all the servers can share information.

For example, you can store configuration data such as IP addresses of application servers in a JNDI directory, and applications can access it.

Functionality provided by JNDI

JNDI can store and retrieve configuration information for an enterprise bean or any other application. It uses a client-side API to let applications perform directory operations such as binding or unbinding an enterprise bean to a JNDI directory. The directory is specified as a string name, called a naming context. The directory can be any naming service such as LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol, NDSNovell Directory Services, or Active Directory.

JNDI Architecture


A JNDI naming service provides the following benefits:

  • You can write programs using JNDI APIs without knowing how your application’s data is stored in a directory service.

  • You can write code to access data on a single machine or across multiple systems, as long as the resources are accessible from a JNDI directory.

  • You can write programs using JNDI in any programming language that provides a JNDI API.


Unfortunately, JNDI is not designed for high-performance environments and has some limitations:

  • Only certain types of data can be stored using the standard set method provided by JNDI, and data such as configuration information does not fit into this model.

  • There is no provision for transactions.

  • No built-in security model is provided, although some implementations provide APIs to set up SSL connections to directory servers.


Check out the examples below to understand the code better.

Configuring JNDI data source

It is recommended to use DataSourceDefinition annotations for configuring data sources as shown below.

( name="java:jdbc/myDataSource"
  password = "password") 

public class myClass { 
   // ... 


A name uniquely identifies a resource to be looked up.

Looking up an object with a JNDI resource

Below is the code example of a lookup for a JNDI resource using Resource annotations.

private DataSource dataSource; 

You can also use:

try { 
  InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); 
  Object object = context.lookup("jdbc/MyDataSource"); // JNDI lookup 
} catch (NamingException e) { 
   // code to handle the exception 

Here, the context is used to look up information about the naming environment where all named resources are registered. The lookup method will return a data source object, which you could do as shown below.

Using the JNDI resource



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