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What is the filter() Method in R?

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The filter() method in R is used to subset a data frame based on a provided condition. If a row satisfies the condition, it must produce TRUE. Otherwise, non-satisfying rows will return NA values. Hence, the row will be dropped.

Here listed, in the following table, are some functions and operators, used for filtering data that can be used as a breaking condition:




Checks equality of the column values


Checks for greater column values


Checks for greater than or equal


Logical AND operation


Logical OR operation


Logical NOR operation


Logical XOR operation


Either value is NA or not


Checks whether the numerical value(Column value) lies between the specified range or not.


Compares numerical vector to nearest values.


filter(.data, ...)


We’ll use the following argument values:

  • .data: A tibble or a lazy data frame (from dtplyr or dbplyr).
  • ...: additional arguments

Return value

It will return an instance of the same datatype as .data.


Can we use it for both grouped and ungrouped data?

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The code snippet below demonstrates how to use the filter() method in a program.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# Creat a DataFrame
df= data.frame(x=c(2,3,4,5,7,4),
# condition to filter
filter(df, x < 5 & z==TRUE)
  • Line 3: We use data.frame() with three features and six observations to create DataFrame.
  • Line 7: We invoke the filter() method with filter condition x < 5 and z== TRUE.

Using %in%operator

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# Create a DataFrame
df=data.frame(x= c(1,2,3,4,5),
y= c(2.1,4.5,8.2,10.4,50),
z= c("Aries","Taurus", "Cancer", "Leo","Libra"))
# invoking filter()
df %>% filter(z %in% c("Cancer", "Taurus"))
  • Line 3: We use data.frame() with three features and five observations to create a DataFrame.
  • Line 7: We invoking the filter() method with a filter condition search only for Cancer and Taurus.


r programming
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