How annotations are used in Python

Annotations in Python are part of the code that provide metadata and enable type hintingType hinting refers to the practice of adding information about variables to give an indication of their expected values.. Annotations provide information about variables, function parameters, and return values.

Usage of annotations

Python is a dynamically typed language instead of a statically typed language. This means that instead of defining data types beforehand, they are determined at runtime based on the values variables contain.

However, variables would mostly be expected to contain specific types of values. This is where annotations come in handy, allowing the programmers to add metadata about what type of value might be expected by which variable.

Note: Annotations are merely added as information for the one reading the code. Python does not inherently implement checks on annotations.

Syntax for annotations

Annotations are defined using the following syntax:

  • : <datatype>: Used when being assigned to function parameters or variable assignments.

  • -> <datatype>: Used when being assigned to return types.

Let’s study this further using the examples given below.

Function and variable annotations example

We can annotate function parameters and variables in the following manner:

# Defining function addition()
# The function parameters and return type are annotated
def addition(num1: int, num2: float) -> float:
return num1 + num2
# Defining function testing()
def testing():
# Declaring variables and annotating them
a: int = 78
b: float = 34.5
c: double = 90.123
d: str = "hello world"
print("The values of our variables are as follows:")
print("\ta =", a)
print("\tb =", b)
print("\tc =", c)
print("\td =", d)
print("\ta + b =", addition(a, b))
# Defining function main()
if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Lines 3–4: We define a function addition that takes two input parameters and returns their sum. We annotate both input parameters and the return value.

    • The first input parameter, num1, is annotated as an int.

    • The second input parameter, num2, is annotated as a float.

    • The return type is annotated as a float using ->.

  • Lines 10–13: We define four variables, a, b, c, and d, and annotate them all as variables containing int, float, double, and str, respectively.

Class attributes annotation example

Similarly, we can also use annotations for a class to define the datatypes for its attributes:

# Creating class Student
class Student:
# Declaring attributes and annotating them
name: str
grades: dict
awards: list
# Defining initialization function
def __init__(self, name: str, grades: dict, awards: list): = name
self.grades = grades
self.awards = awards
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Creating a Student instance
student = Student(
{"Math": 'A', "English": 'D', "Urdu": 'B'},
["DHL in semester 2", "Sports woman of the year"]
# Printing student attributes
print("Student name:",
print("Student grades:", student.grades)
print("Student awards:", student.awards)
  • Lines 4–6: We annotate the class attributes, annotating name as a str, annotating grades as a dict, and annotating awards as a list.

  • Lines 9–12: We define the __init__ function, where the function parameters are annotated, as well as their respective types.

Note: As we can see in the example above, annotating in Python is not limited to just data types such as int, str, and float but instead allows for objects such as list, dict, Tuple, etc., as well. 

Can we add datatype checks using annotations?

As we pointed out before, Python does not implement checks for datatypes based on the annotations. As we can see below, we annotate a as an int, but instead, give it a string value, and there is no error generated:

# Annotating variable a as int, but assigning it a string value
a: int = "hello world"

To overcome this shortcoming, we can use external tools such as mypy and pylint to check code quality. Once these tools are run over a code file, they generate errors if they spot discrepancies like the one above. Therefore, annotations can be combined with third-party tools to overcome the shortcomings that might be present with just using Python alone.

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