How to change the commit author for one specific commit in Git

Git is a powerful version control system that allows you to track changes in your codebase and collaborate with others effectively. Occasionally, we may need to change the author of a specific commit. This could be due to various reasons, such as correcting mistakes or maintaining a consistent commit history. In this Answer, we’ll learn how to change the commit author for one specific commit in Git.

Changing the commit author

In Git, you may sometimes need to change the author of a commit. This can be useful when you make a commit with the wrong author information or if you’re rebasing and want to update the author information for multiple commits. Here’s how you can change the commit author:

Step 1: Clone the repository

Initially, we’ll obtain the GitHub repository link. After acquiring the link, we’ll proceed to open the terminal. Within the terminal, we’ll input the following command to clone the repository:

git clone <repository link>

After that, we’ll go to the folder where our project files are using this command:

cd <directory name>

Step 2: Identify the commit

Before changing the commit author, you must identify the specific commit you want to modify. You can do this by running the git log command to view the commit history.

git log

This command will display a list of commits, including their commit hashes, authors, dates, and commit messages. Find the commit you want to modify, and note its commit hash. A sample output of the command is given below:

commit 5f4a3e8c1e7d47b2f6ab31e7f7a521b9a8e2d3c1
Author: John Doe <>
Date: Tue Dec 20 15:32:42 2022 +0300
commit a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d0e1f2a3b4c5d6e7f8a9b
Author: Jane Smith <>
Date: Mon Dec 19 10:15:28 2022 +0300
Add new feature
commit 9876543210abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
Author: Bob Johnson <>
Date: Sat Dec 17 08:45:16 2022 +0300
Initial commit

Step 3: Change the commit author

To change the commit author, you'll use the git commit --amend command. Open your terminal and follow these steps:

Firstly, run this command first to configure the author globally in the repository, replace the author_email with the email of the author:

git config --global "<author_email>"

For the next step, navigate to the root directory of your Git repository and run the command given below. Do not forget to replace <new_author> with the name and email of the new author and <commit message> with the message for the commit.

git commit --amend --author="<new_author>" -m "<commit message>"

For example:

git commit --amend --author="Alex <>" -m "Author has been changed"

Below is a demonstration of how —-ammend flag works:

How Git amend works
How Git amend works

Step 4: Verify the changes

To verify that the commit author has been changed, run the git log command again:

git log

You should see the updated commit author for the specific commit.

Step 5: Push the changes (if necessary)

If you have already pushed the commit to a remote repository and want to update it there, you will need to force-push the changes:

git push --force origin <branch_name>

Replace <branch_name> with the name of the branch where the commit is located. Be cautious when force-pushing, as it can overwrite history in the remote repository.

Hands-on example

Here is a terminal interface to execute the commands we discussed earlier. The following is a summary of the commands we’ve reviewed:

git clone <repository link>
cd <directory name>
git log
git config --global "<author_email>"
git commit --amend --author="<new_author>" -m "<commit message>"
git log # to verify the changes
git push --force origin <branch_name> # to push the changes (if necessary)

Note: Please replace <link to repository> with your own Git repository link and <directory name> with the name of the folder containing your repository.

Terminal 1

Implications and best practices

  1. Collaboration: Changing commit authors should be done cautiously, especially in a collaborative environment. Always communicate with your team members if you need to modify commit authors to ensure everyone is aware of the changes.

  2. Force pushing: Force pushing can disrupt the workflow of your collaborators. Avoid force pushing to shared branches unless it’s necessary and everyone is aware of the changes.

  3. Commit message clarity: When amending a commit, ensure the commit message accurately reflects the changes made. A clear and concise commit message is essential for understanding the purpose of the commit.

  4. Attribution: Accurate attribution is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your project’s history. Only change commit authors when it’s necessary for accuracy.


Changing the commit author for a specific commit in Git is useful when you need to maintain accurate commit history or correct attribution errors. However, it should be done carefully, following best practices and communicating with your team when needed. Remember that Git’s history is a shared resource; changes should be made thoughtfully to avoid disruptions and confusion.

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