How to check if a range contains a particular value


With the contains method, we can check if a range in Swift contains a particular value. If it does, a true Boolean value is returned. Otherwise, a false will be returned.




value: This is the value we check to see if the range instance range contains it.

Return value

The value returned is a Boolean. If the value value is contained in the range instance range, then true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.

Code example

// create a range
let range1 = 0 ..< 5 // 0 to 4
// print each value in the range
print("Printing range elements: ")
for value in range1 {
// check if range contains some value
print("checking if range contains some value")
print("1:", range1.contains(1)) // true
print("5:", range1.contains(5)) // false
print("10:", range1.contains(10)) // false
print("3:", range1.contains(3)) // true


  • Line 2: We create a range called range1.
  • Line 5: Using the for-in loop, we print all the values that are present in the range.
  • Lines 10 to 13: We check some values to see if they were present in the range that we created using the contains() method. We then print the results to the console.