How to concatenate two or more strings in Perl using the period


Strings in Perl can be concatenated using the period ., which is an operator we can use to combine two or more strings.


The syntax for concatenating two or more strings in Perl


string1, string2, string3,...,stringN: These are strings we want to join/concatenate.

Return value

A new string is returned which is a combination of all the strings concatenated.


# create some strings
$a = "Welcome";
$b = " to";
$c = "Nice to have you here!";
# concatenate all strings
$d = $a.$b." Edpresso! ".$c;
# print the concatenated string
print $d;we


  • Lines 2-4: We create some strings.
  • Line 7: We concatenate the strings using the period operator ..
  • Line 10: We print the concatenated string to the console.

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