How to create a Julia dictionary from arrays of keys and values

A dictionary is used to store data in key-value pairs. The keys in a dictionary should be unique. The values are queried based on keys in a dictionary.

We can create a Julia dictionary from arrays of keys and values using the zip() function.


Let's view the syntax below.

Dict(zip(array of keys, array of values))


  • zip(): This function takes arrays as parameters and returns a zip object.

  • Dict(): We pass the zip object through this function to convert it to a dictionary.

Code example

Let's take a look at an example of this below.

#given array of keys
students = ["John", "Hady", "Charlie", "Celine"]
#given array of values
ages = [18, 17, 19, 20]
#create dict from arrays of keys and values
println(Dict(zip(students, ages)))

Code explanation

  • Line 2: We declare the variable students and initialize it with students’ names as an array of strings. We will use the array of students as keys to the dictionary.

  • Line 5: We declare a variable ages and initialize it with students' ages as an array of integers. We will use the array ages as values in the dictionary.

  • Line 8: We create a dictionary and display it. We will use the zip() function to zip the two arrays of students and ages, and pass the zip object to the Dict() function, which creates a dictionary.

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