How to debug an IndexError in the Python code

An IndexError in Python occurs when we try to access an element of a list (or another sequence like a string or a tuple) using an index that’s outside the valid range.

Common scenarios

Let’s explore some common scenarios that can lead to an IndexError in Python, followed by the tips and techniques to debug them.

In the scenarios and their respective examples below, before going through the solutions, try and fix the errors on your own (you can read the debugging tips for help).

Accessing an index that doesn’t exist

This error often occurs when we try to access an element at an index greater than or equal to the length of the list. Here’s an example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

Debugging tips:

  • Remember that list indexes start at 0 and go up to len(my_list) - 1.

  • Use len() to check the length of the list before accessing an index.

Negative index out of range

Negative indexes count from the end of the list, with -1 being the last element (-2 being the second last element and -1 being the third-last element). An IndexError occurs if the negative index is beyond the start of the list. Here’s an example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

Debugging tip:

  • Ensure the negative index does not exceed -len(my_list).

Using a variable as an index

If we use a variable to index a list, we need to ensure the variable is within the valid range. Here’s an example:


my_list = [1, 2, 3]
index = 5

Debugging tip:

  • Check the value of the variable before using it as an index.

Modifying a list while iterating

Modifying a list (adding or removing elements) while iterating through it can lead to an unexpected IndexError occurence. Here’s an example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for i in range(len(my_list)):

Debugging tip:

  • Avoid modifying a list while iterating through it. If you need to modify it, iterate over a copy of the list or use a different approach.

Understanding and handling these scenarios will help us effectively debug and prevent IndexError in the Python code.

Techniques to identify the error

Debugging an IndexError in Python involves several techniques to identify and resolve the issue. Here are some common methods that we can use:

We’re using the same code example to explain all the techniques.

Print statements

Inserting print statements before the line that causes the IndexError helps us understand the values of the indexes and the list. For example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
index = 3
print("List:", my_list)
print("Index:", index)
  • Line 1: my_list is defined as a list containing three elements: 1, 2, and 3.

  • Line 2: index is assigned the value 3 (which is intentionally out of range for my_list to demonstrate the error handling).

  • Lines 3–4: The print statements display the current state of my_list and the value of index. This helps us see the contents of the list and the index value before attempting to access the list element.

  • Line 5: This line attempts to access and print the element at index (which is 3) of my_list. Since my_list only has indexes 0, 1, and 2, trying to access my_list[3] raises an IndexError.

By printing the contents of my_list and the value of index, the code provides context about the data being accessed. This helps us understand what the list looks like and what index is being used. This is one way to debug such errors.

Checking length

We can compare the length of the list to ensure that the index we’re trying to access is within the valid range.

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
index = 3
if index < len(my_list):
print("Index out of range")

Line 3: The if statement checks whether the value of index is less than the length of my_list, which we can find using the len(my_list) method call. It returns 3 because the list has three elements.

Lines 4–6: If index is within the valid range (less than 3), it prints the element at my_list[index]. If index is not within the valid range (i.e., it is 3 or greater), it prints Index out of range.

This code checks if the index is within the valid range before accessing the list element, preventing an IndexError. If the index is out of range, it prints a clear message, helping us understand the problem. The conditional check and feedback help identify and fix issues related to invalid index access in lists. This approach is a practical way to handle potential IndexError situations by validating indexes before using them to access list elements.

Using a debugger

A debugger allows us to step through our code line by line and inspect the state of variables at each step. This can be particularly helpful for identifying where the IndexError is occurring.

Note: Upon running the code below, we’ll see the Pdb prompt, where we can enter the following debugging commands.

  • We can use the n (next) command to execute the next line of code.

    • n (will output print(my_list[index])

  • We can inspect the values of variables to understand the current state of the program.

    • p my_list (will output 3)

    • p index (will output [1, 2, 3])

  • We can use the c (continue) command to continue execution until the next breakpoint or the end of the script.

    • c (will output IndexError: list index out of range)

By stepping through the code and inspecting variables, we can identify that index is out of the valid range for my_list, which causes the IndexError.

import pdb

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
index = 3
  • Line 1: We import Python’s built-in debugger module, pdb.

  • Line 2: We set a breakpoint in the code. When the script execution reaches this line, it pauses and enters the interactive debugger mode. This is why we see the Pdb prompt, where we can enter debugging commands.

  • Line 6: We attempt to access and print the element at index (which is 3) of my_list. Since my_list only has indexes 0, 1, and 2, trying to access my_list[3] raises an IndexError.

Try-except block

Using a try-except block can catch IndexError and allow us to handle it gracefully or log more information for debugging.

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
index = 3
except IndexError as e:
print("Error:", e, ". Index", index, "is out of range for list", my_list)
  • Lines 3–4: The try block attempts to access and print the element at index (which is 3) of my_list. Since my_list only has indexes 0, 1, and 2, trying to access my_list[3] raises an IndexError.

  • Lines 5–6: The except block catches the IndexError exception if it occurs. The error message (e) is captured and printed along with the following additional information:

    • The value of index that caused the error

    • The contents of my_list to show what the list looks like at the time of the error

Key takeaways

Some important points to know about the common scenarios resulting in the IndexError include:

  • Valid index range: For a list of length n, valid indexes are 0 to n-1 and -n to -1. We must ensure that both positive and negative indexes are within valid bounds.

  • Variable indexes and print statements: We can add print statements to check the values of indexes and the list to ensure the variable used as an index holds a valid value.

  • Modifying lists: We should avoid modifying a list while iterating through it.

  • Length checking: We can compare indexes with the length of the list. We should always verify that the index is within the valid range using the len() method.

  • Debugger: We can use a debugger to step through our code.

  • Try-except block: We can use the try-except block to catch the IndexError exception and handle it.

Combining these techniques will help us effectively debug and resolve IndexError in our Python code. Happy coding!

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