How to delete a node in a red-black tree

A red-black tree is a type of self-balancing binary tree. This Answer covers deletion in a red-black tree using Python.

Note: To read more about red-black trees, visit here.


Deletion in a red-black tree is similar to a BST, except for one added step. If, after deletion, a red-black property is disrupted, the tree has to be recolored or rotated.

The process is as follows:

  1. First, we find the node that we want to delete.

  2. In case it is a leaf node, we just replace it with None. Otherwise, we replace it with a leaf node, which must be a child with the minimum value. Then, we set it to None.

  3. If the color properties are violated, we rebalance and recolor the tree.

The original tree
The tree after deleting 7

Code example

Let's look at some code to see how it works.

class Node:
def __init__(self, value, color=RED):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.parent = None
self.color = color
class RedBlackTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.none = Node(0, BLACK)
def _min(self, node):
while node.left != self.none:
node = node.left
return node
def delete(self, val):
return self._delete(self.root, val)
def _delete(self, node, val):
temp = self.none
while node != self.none:
if node.value == val:
temp = node
if node.value <= val:
node = node.right
node = node.left
if temp == self.none:
return False
temp2 = temp
temp2_original_color = temp2.color
if temp.left == self.none:
temp3 = temp.right
self._rbt ( temp , temp.right )
elif (temp.right == self.none):
temp3 = temp.left
self._rbt ( temp , temp.left )
temp2 = self.minimum ( temp.right )
temp2_original_color = temp2.color
temp3 = temp2.right
if temp2.parent == temp:
temp3.parent = temp2
self._rbt ( temp2 , temp2.right )
temp2.right = temp.right
temp2.right.parent = temp2
self._rbt ( temp , temp2 )
temp2.left = temp.left
temp2.left.parent = temp2
temp2.color = temp.color
if temp2_original_color == BLACK:
self._fixDelete( temp3 )
def _rbt(self, x, y):
if not x.parent:
self.root = y
elif x == x.parent.left:
x.parent.left = y
x.parent.right = y
y.parent = x.parent
def _fixDelete(self, node):
while node != self.root and node.color == BLACK:
if node == node.parent.left:
temp = node.parent.right
if temp.color == RED:
temp.color = BLACK
node.parent.color = RED
temp = node.parent.right
if temp.left.color == BLACK and temp.right.color == BLACK:
temp.color = RED
node = node.parent
if temp.right.color == BLACK:
temp.left.color = BLACK
temp.color = RED
temp = node.parent.right
temp.color = node.parent.color
node.parent.color = BLACK
temp.right.color = BLACK
node = self.root
temp = node.parent.left
if temp.color == RED:
temp.color = BLACK
node.parent.color = RED
temp = node.parent.left
if temp.right.color == BLACK and temp.right.color == BLACK:
temp.color = RED
node = node.parent
if temp.left.color == BLACK:
temp.right.color = BLACK
temp.color = RED
temp = node.parent.left
temp.color = node.parent.color
node.parent.color = BLACK
temp.left.color = BLACK
node = node.root
node.color = BLACK
def leftRotate(self, node):
right_child = node.right
node.right = right_child.left
if right_child.left != self.none:
right_child.left.parent = node
if not node.parent:
self.root = right_child
elif node.parent.left == node:
node.parent.left = right_child
node.parent.right = right_child
right_child.parent = node.parent
right_child.left = node
node.parent = right_child
def rightRotate(self, node):
left_child = node.left
node.left = left_child.right
if left_child.right != self.none:
left_child.right.parent = node
if not node.parent:
self.root = left_child
elif node.parent.left == node:
node.parent.left = left_child
node.parent.right = left_child
left_child.parent = node.parent
left_child.right = node
node.parent = left_child
tree = RedBlackTree()
tree.root = Node(10, BLACK)
tree.root.left = Node(5, BLACK)
tree.root.left.parent = tree.root
tree.root.right = Node(20, BLACK)
tree.root.right.parent = tree.root
tree.root.left.left = Node(1, BLACK)
tree.root.left.left.parent = tree.root.left
tree.root.left.right = Node(7, BLACK)
tree.root.left.right.parent = tree.root.left
tree.root.right.left = Node(15, BLACK)
tree.root.right.left.parent = tree.root.right
tree.root.right.right = Node(30, BLACK)
tree.root.right.right.parent = tree.root.right
tree.root.right.right.right = tree.none
tree.root.right.right.left = tree.none
tree.root.right.left.right = tree.none
tree.root.right.left.left = tree.none
tree.root.left.right.right = tree.none
tree.root.left.right.left = tree.none
tree.root.left.left.left = tree.none
tree.root.left.left.right = tree.none
tree.delete(7) # delete the tree
print(" ", tree.root.value, tree.root.color)
print(" / \\")
print(" ", tree.root.left.value, tree.root.left.color, " ", tree.root.right.value, tree.root.right.color)
print(" / / \\")
print("", tree.root.left.left.value, tree.root.left.left.color, " ", tree.root.right.left.value, tree.root.right.left.color, " ", tree.root.right.right.value, tree.root.right.right.color)


  • Lines 1–7: We define a Node class that stores one node of the red-black tree.

  • Lines 19–20: We define a delete() function that calls the _delete() helper function.

  • Lines 22–60: The _delete() function first goes through the tree to find the node. It then deletes the node and checks if any properties are violated. If they are, it calls the _fixDelete() function.

  • Lines 71–115: The fixDelete() function rebalances and recolors the tree. It starts at the deleted node, and then goes up to the root until the tree is balanced again.

  • Lines 151–180: We create a tree, call the delete() function on it, and print the resulting red-black tree.

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