How to do cross browser testing with Selenium

Cross-browser compatible websites are websites that are designed and developed to work consistently across different web browsers. Web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and others may have varying levels of support for web technologies and standards. This can result in differences in how websites are displayed and how they function across different browsers.

Cross-browser testing with Selenium refers to the process of testing web applications across different web browsers to ensure consistent functionality and appearance. It involves using the Selenium automation framework to create test scripts that can be executed on multiple browsers simultaneously. By performing cross-browser testing, developers can identify and fix any browser-specific issues, ensuring a seamless user experience across various platforms and browsers.

The importance of cross-browser compatibility

While developing a cross-browser compatible website, web developers need to consider its compatibility with different browsers. Websites should be tested and optimized to work well on popular web browsers, ensuring a consistent user experience regardless of the browser being used. The developers should test their websites on different browsers and their various versions to identify and resolve any compatibility issues. This helps ensure that the website looks and functions consistently across different browser environments.

Cross-browser testing involves testing a website or web application across multiple browsers, such as Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, and Firefox to ensure its effectiveness on each browser. Manual testing of a website across multiple browsers can be time consuming and tedious, especially when dealing with a large number of test cases. Automating the testing process using tools like Selenium allows for simultaneous execution of tests across multiple browsers, reducing the time required for testing and minimizing the potential for human error.

Step-by-step guide to cross-browser testing with Selenium

Here's a step-by-step guide to cross-browser testing with Selenium:

Step 1: Install Selenium and set up environment

  1. Install the necessary dependencies, including Selenium WebDriver and the language-specific bindings (e.g., Selenium with Java, Python, etc.).

  2. Download the browser drivers required for cross-browser testing (e.g., ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, etc.) and ensure they are placed in the system's PATH.

Step 2: Write test scripts

  1. Develop test scripts using the chosen programming language and the Selenium WebDriver API.

  2. Utilize WebDriver methods and commands to interact with web elements, navigate through pages, and perform desired actions.

Step 3: Create browser-specific configurations

  1. Create a configuration file or object that defines the browser-specific settings, such as the browser type, version, and desired capabilities.

  2. Repeat this step for each browser you intend to test.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
# Define the browser configurations
browsers = [
{'browserName': 'chrome', 'version': 'latest'},
{'browserName': 'firefox', 'version': 'latest'},
# Add more browsers as per your requirements
# Define the URL of the website to test
url = ''
# Iterate through each browser configuration
for browser in browsers:
# Set desired capabilities for the browser
desired_caps = {
'browserName': browser['browserName'],
'version': browser['version']
# Create a new WebDriver instance for the desired browser
driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
# Perform your test actions
# Add more test steps as needed
# Verify expected outcomes
# Example: Print the page title
print("Browser:", browser['browserName'])
print("Page Title:", driver.title)
except Exception as e:
print("Exception:", str(e))
# Quit the WebDriver instance

In the code above, we define the browser configurations in lines 5–9. Line 12 defines the URL of the website to test. The for loop in line 15 iterates through each browser configuration. Then, for each browser, we set the desired capabilities in lines 17–20 and create the WebDriver using these capabilities in lines 23–24. We execute the tests in lines 26–36, catch any exception in line 38, and finally quit the WebDriver in line 43.

Step 4: Execute tests

  1. Run the test scripts for each browser configuration.

  2. Monitor the test execution and capture any errors or failures.

  3. Repeat this step for all the desired browsers in the testing scope.

Step 5: Analysis and refinement

  1. Review the test results and identify any discrepancies or failures.

  2. Investigate the root causes of any issues and address them accordingly.

  3. Based on the test results, make any necessary adjustments to the code or test scenarios.

  4. Re-run the tests to validate the fixes and ensure cross-browser compatibility.

Cross browser testing using third-party services

It's worth noting that there are third-party services and tools available that can help simplify cross-browser testing with Selenium, such as Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, and CrossBrowserTesting. These services provide virtualized or real browser environments for testing across a wide range of browsers and operating systems.

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