How to do hex-to-binary and binary-to-hex conversion


Commonly known as hex - is a base 16 numbering system.

For example: (AF92)16


A base 2 numbering system that uses only two digits of 0 and 1.

For example: (110011011)2

Hex to Binary conversion

  1. Write down each hex number separately.
  2. Represent each hex digit by its binary equivalent number from the table1.
  3. Concatenate all the binary digits together to get the converted answer.
  4. Discard any leading zeros at the left of the binary number.

Below is a visualization to help you understand the above steps to convert hex to binary.

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Binary to Hex conversion

  1. Start from the extreme right and group the binary digits in groups of four.
  2. Add zeros at the left of the binary number if the leftmost group has less than 4 binary digits.
  3. Represent each binary group by its hex equivalent number from the table.
  4. Concatenate all the hex digits together to get the converted answer.

Below is a visualization to help you understand the above steps to convert binary to hex.

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