How to implement cross_val_predict in sklearn

Scikit-learn is a popular Python open-source machine-learning library. It provides tools and functions for data preprocessing, modeling, and evaluation. The most essential phase of creating a robust machine learning model is to effectively evaluate its performance. To evaluate our model on multiple data points, a.k.a cross-validated predictions, Scikit-learn provides the cross_val_predict function. In this Answer, we'll explore cross_val_predict and its step-by-step implementation.

Understanding cross_val_predict

cross_val_predict is a function that generates cross-validated predictions for each data point of our dataset. It works with a technique that splits the data into multiple training and testing subsets, trains the model, and then makes predictions on the testing subset. The process repeats depending on the number of cross-validations we have set.

The cross_val_predict function not only evaluates the model's performance but also provides predictions for each data point, providing a better understanding of the model's behavior and weaknesses. In the illustration below, we can see how the cross_val_predict splits data into training and testing data if the number of cross-validations is set to 5.

5 train test splits of the same data using cross_val_predict
5 train test splits of the same data using cross_val_predict


The syntax to use cross_val_predict is:

cross_val_predict(estimator , X , y , cv , n_jobs , verbose , fit_params , pre_dispatch , method)
cross_val_predict syntax
  • estimator: The object that implements ‘fit’ and ‘predict.’

  • X: The features data array to fit.

  • y: The target array for prediction and training. Default = None.

  • groups: An array of group identifiers used in combination with a group-based technique (e.g., GroupKFold). It is used for the sample dataset while dividing it into training and testing sets.

  • cv: An integer value that determines the number of iterations in which the train-test splits are to be made.

  • n_jobs: It is the number of jobs to run in parallel. None means 1 unless in a joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means to use all processors.

  • verbose: It sets the verbosityExplaining the steps in words. level. Default = 0.

  • fit_params: A dictionary of parameters to be passed to the estimator's fit method.

  • pre_dispatch: By default, its value is 2*n_jobs. It manages the amount of dispatched jobs during parallel execution. By decreasing this quantity, we can prevent excessive memory usage caused by dispatching more tasks than the available CPUs can handle.

  • method: The methods can be predict, predict_proba, predict_log_proba, and decision_function. By default its value is predict.

Steps to implement cross_val_predict

Now that we have had a clear understanding of cross_val_predict, we will walk through the steps for its implementation:

1. Import the necessary libraries

Before we can use cross_val_predict, we need to import the required libraries from sklearn:

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Importing necessary libraries

We have imported cross_val_predict from sklearn's modelselection module. We will be using Ridge regression in this example.

2. Load and prepare the data

Now we will import the data we want to apply our machine learning model. For that, we will import the California housing data set from Sklearn.

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
housing_sk_data = fetch_california_housing()
housing_df = pd.DataFrame(housing_sk_data["data"] , columns=housing_sk_data["feature_names"])
x = housing_df.drop("target" ,axis=1)
y = housing_df["target"]
Loading and preparing the data

After importing the data, we prepare our feature matrix (x) and target vector (y).

3. Create an estimator

We will instantiate the machine learning model we want to use. As said earlier, we'll use a RidgeRegression model:

model = RidgeRegression()
Creating an estimator

5. Generate cross-validated predictions

Now, we can use the cross_val_predict function to generate cross-validated predictions:

cross_val_predictions = cross_val_predict(model, x, y , cv = 5)
Performing cross validation prediction

We set the cross validation/iterable (cv) to 5 which means that the model will be trained and tested on 5 different subsets of the dataset.

The main difference between predict and cross_val_predict is only trained on a single subset of the dataset, whereas cross_val_predict is trained and tested on all the data set in muliple intervals (depending on cv).

6. Analyze the predictions

Now that we have successfully trained and tested our data using the cross_val_predict,we can analyze the predictions to understand the model's performance better. For instance, we can identify data points where the model consistently performs well or poorly.

Complete code

The complete code can be seen and executed by clicking the Run button below:

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing

housing_sk_data = fetch_california_housing()
housing_df = pd.DataFrame(housing_sk_data["data"] , columns=housing_sk_data["feature_names"])

x = housing_df.drop("target" ,axis=1)
y = housing_df["target"]

model = Ridge()

cross_val_predictions = cross_val_predict(model, x, y , cv = 5)

Complete code to perform cross_val_predict

Benefits of cross_val_predict

cross_val_predict offers several advantages:

  • Insight into model performance: By obtaining predictions for each data point, we can gain a deeper understanding of where the model works fine and where it struggles.

  • Data efficiency: It ensures data efficiency as each data point is utilized for training and testing, which maximizes the dataset's use.

  • Effective evaluation: We can assess the model's performance more accurately than a single train-test split.


The cross_val_predict function provided by sklearn is a powerful tool for evaluating machine learning models by providing cross-validated predictions. By following the steps explained in this Answer, we can implement cross_val_predict. This enables us to gain insights into the model's behavior across different data subsets so that we may improve it.

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