How to join two or more lists in R


A list in R is a collection of ordered and changeable data of the same type. A list contains different data types, such as strings or numbers.

The elements contained in a given list are referred to as items.

Creating a list

We use the list() function to create a list in R. Its parameter values are the items you want in the list.


# creating a string and numerical lists
mylist1 <- list("cherry", 'banana', 'orange')
mylist2 <- list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# to print the lists


We create two list variables, mylist1 and mylist2. They contain strings and numbers, respectively.

Joining two lists

To join or concatenate two different lists in R, we use the c() function. The c() function combines the elements of a list by considering the lists as its parameter values.


c(list1, list2)
Syntax of the c() function

Note: The number of lists that are concatenated should be two or more.


# creating a string and numerical lists
mylist1 <- list("cherry", 'banana', 'orange')
mylist2 <- list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# joining the lists
jointlist <- c(mylist1, mylist2)


We join the elements of the two lists provided in the code above using the c() function.

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