How to loop a video using MoviePy

Video editing has come a long way from its beginnings, and creative possibilities have increased with the advancement of tools and libraries. One such tool that has gained popularity in video editing is MoviePy. In this Answer, we will explore what MoviePy is, explore its applications, and learn how to loop a video using this powerful Python library.

What is MoviePy?

MoviePy is a Python library that offers a multitude of functionalities for video editing and manipulation. From cutting, concatenating, and editing video clips to applying various effects, transitions, and overlays, MoviePy helps users to experiment with their video content. Its user-friendly interface and compatibility with other popular libraries, like NumPy and OpenCV, make it a go-to choice for both beginners and experienced programmers in the field of video editing.

Applications of MoviePy

MoviePy finds applications in various domains, including:

  • Video creation and editing: For personal vlogs, marketing campaigns, or educational tutorials, MoviePy helps the process of creating and editing video content. Its functions allow users to trim, combine, and enhance clips effortlessly.

  • Social media content: MoviePy aids in creating engaging and impactful content for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Users can add captions, animations, and transitions to make their videos stand out.

  • Special effects: The library's capabilities extend to applying special effects and filters to videos. This is particularly useful for creating artistic videos or conveying specific moods.

  • Educational videos: MoviePy can enhance the quality of educational content by enabling educators to incorporate animations, annotations, and explanatory visuals into their videos.

Program overview

  • Import the necessary libraries.

  • Load the video clip.

  • Set the number of loops.

  • Create a looped clip using the loop function.

  • Display the looped clip using OpenCV.

Libraries used

The libraries we use in this program are:

  • MoviePy

  • OpenCV

For moviepy:

pip install moviepy

MoviePy is a Python library for video editing, enabling tasks like cutting, concatenating, and applying effects.

For opencv:

pip install opencv-python

OpenCV is a computer vision library used for image and video processing tasks, such as object detection and manipulation.

Code implementation

import moviepy.editor as mp
import cv2
# Load the video clip
clip = mp.VideoFileClip('mirror.mp4')

num_loops = 3

# Create a new clip by looping the original clip
looped_clip = clip.loop(duration=clip.duration * num_loops)
# specifying the number of times the clip is to loop 
# looped_clip = clip.loop(n=3)

# looping with the duration of an audio clip
# loopedClip = clip_resized.loop(duration = audio.duration)

for frame in looped_clip.iter_frames(fps=looped_clip.fps):
    frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)  # Convert from RGB to BGR
    cv2.imshow("Final Clip", frame)
    # Check for the 'q' key press to exit
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


Code explanation

  • Line 1 2: Import the necessary modules by importing the MoviePy's editor module as mp and OpenCV as cv2.

  • Line 4: Load the video clip using the VideoFileClip function.

  • Line 6: Set the number of loops.

    • num_loops is set to 3, indicating that the clip should be looped thrice.

  • Line 9: Create a looped clip.

    • The loop function is employed to create a new clip by looping the original clip.

    • The duration of the looped clip is set to the original clip's duration multiplied by num_loops.

  • Line 18 26: Iterate through the frames of the final clip and display them using OpenCV.

    • Check for the 'q' key press to exit the loop and close the OpenCV window.

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What is the purpose of MoviePy library?


Audio processing


Video game development


Video editing and manipulation


Data visualization


MoviePy is a powerful tool for video enthusiasts, content creators, and developers. In this Answer, we explored the concept of MoviePy, and its applications and gained insights into looping a video using the library.

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