How to merge multiple dictionaries in Julia

In Julia, dictionaries play a vital role in storing key-value pairs. There’s often a need to merge multiple dictionaries to consolidate information. We use the merge() and merge!() functions to merge dictionaries in Julia. Let's start with the merge() method.

The merge() method

The merge() function in Julia allows us to combine multiple dictionaries into a single unified dictionary. It efficiently handles the merging process, ensuring that keys from different dictionaries are correctly combined while resolving conflicts if duplicate keys are present.


Let’s see the syntax merge() function:

merge(dict1, dict2, ...)
The merge() function syntax
  • Here, dict1, dict2, ... are dictionaries to be merged.

  • This function returns a new dictionary containing the merged key-value pairs.


Here is an example of merging two dictionaries using the merge() function:

# Define two dictionaries
dict1 = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2)
dict2 = Dict("b" => 3, "c" => 4)
# Merge dictionaries using the merge function
merged_dict = merge(dict1, dict2)
# Display the merged dictionary
println("Merged Dictionary (dict1 and dict2): ", merged_dict)


  • Lines 2–6: This example demonstrates merging dict1 and dict2 using the merge function. The resulting merged_dict contains the combined key-value pairs from both dictionaries.

  • Line 8: The merged dictionary (merged_dict) is displayed using println.

The merge!() method

Julia offers the merge!() function, which directly alters the original dictionary by incorporating key-value pairs from the subsequent dictionaries. This function updates the existing dictionary with the combined content, ensuring that modifications occur in place.


Let’s see the syntax of the merge!() function:

merge!(dict1, dict2, ...)
The merge!() function syntax
  • Here, dict1 is the dictionary to be modified in place, and dict2, ... are dictionaries whose key-value pairs will be added to dict1.

  • This function returns the modified dictionary (dict1).


Here is an example of merging two dictionaries using the merge!() function.

# Create two dictionaries
dict1 = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3)
dict2 = Dict("b" => 20, "c" => 30, "d" => 40)
# Merge dict2 into dict1 using merge!()
merge!(dict1, dict2)
# Print the result


  • Lines 2–3: We define the two dictionaries (dict1 and dict2). Each dictionary contains key-value pairs, where the keys are strings and the values are integers.

  • Line 6: The merge!() function is used to merge the contents of dict2 into dict1. The exclamation mark (!) in the function name indicates that it modifies the first dictionary (dict1) in place. After this line, we update dict1 with the merged content.

  • Line 9: We display the merged dictionary (merged_dict) using println.

If we need more complex merging logic or to handle conflicts (e.g., same keys in both dictionaries) differently, we can create our own merging strategy using loops and conditional statements.

Merging using the custom function

Let’s see the example of merging two dictionaries using a custom function in Julia:

# Define two dictionaries with a custom operator for conflict resolution
dict1 = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2)
dict2 = Dict("b" => 3, "c" => 4)
# Custom merging function
function custom_merge(x, y)
return x + y
# Merge dictionaries using a custom merging function
merged_dict = Dict()
for (key, value) in dict1
merged_dict[key] = get(merged_dict, key, 0) + value
for (key, value) in dict2
merged_dict[key] = get(merged_dict, key, 0) + value
# Display the merged dictionary
println("Merged Dictionary with Custom Operator: ", merged_dict)


  • Lines 2–3: We define the two dictionaries (dict1 and dict2). Each dictionary contains key-value pairs, where the keys are strings and the values are integers.

  • Lines 6–8: We define a custom merging function (custom_merge), which takes two arguments (x and y) and returns their sum.

  • Lines 11–17: We create a new dictionary (merged_dict). The code then iterates over the key-value pairs of dict1 and dict2 separately. For each key-value pair, it updates the corresponding entry in merged_dict using the custom merging function. The get function is retrieves the current value associated with a key in merged_dict or a default value (0 if the key is not present). The merging logic here adds values when a key is encountered in both dict1 and dict2.

  • Line 20: We display the merged dictionary (merged_dict) using println.


Merging dictionaries in Julia is a fundamental operation that helps consolidate data from multiple sources. The merge() function provides a straightforward way to combine dictionaries, while the merge!() method modifies the first dictionary in place. Choosing between them depends on whether we want to create a new merged dictionary or update an existing one. We can also create a custom merging function according to our requirements.

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