How to perform CURL requests using ixudra/curl in Laravel

The ixudra package in Laravel provides an efficient way to use curl to perform HTTPHyperText Transport Protocol requests.

To perform get and post requests using curl, follow these steps:

  1. Install the ixudra/curl package.
  2. Configure the installed package.
  3. Import the class into your controller file.
  4. Use get and post requests through curl.

Install the ixudra/curl package

You can use a composer command to install ixudra/curl for your application, as shown below:

composer require ixudra/curl

Configure the installed package

Add the providers and the aliases to your app.php file. The app.php file should be present in the config directory.

'providers' => [




'aliases' => [


	'Curl' => Ixudra\Curl\Facades\Curl::class,


Import the class in your controller

To add the class to your controller, you need to include it in your controller file as shown below:

use Ixudra\Curl\Facades\Curl;


In the controller where you want to implement the curl, create a method called getCurl().

Note: You can name the method whatever you like, but for this example getCurl() is used.

Get request

Let’s perform a get() request using this package.

public function getCURL()
        $response = Curl::to('')


In the above code we use the Curl:: facade with the to() method to send a get request, after which the response is dumped.

In your case, instead of dumping the response, you may want to carry out the logic relevant to your application.

Post request

public function getCURL()


    $response = Curl::to('')

                ->withData(['title'=>'Test', 'body'=>'sdsd', 'userId'=>1])




In the above code, the post request is made using the to() method, with withData specifying what data must be sent. Once again, the response is dumped.

Similarly, patch, put, and delete requests can be made in place of the put request in the code above.