How to run Julia script

To run our Julia script, we need to have Julia installed on our machine. If Julia is not already installed, we can download it from the official Julia website

Steps to run a Julia script

After installing Julia, follow these steps to run your script:

  • Save your Julia script in a file in a format such as myscript.jl.

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.

  • Navigate to the directory where myscript.jl is located using the cd command. For example:

cd path/to/your/script
Command to go to file directory
  • Run the script using the julia command followed by the script's filename:

julia myscript.jl
Command to run Julia script

Coding example

Let's now execute the myscript.jl file in the following playground:

# myscript.jl

# Define a function
function greet(name)
    println("Hello, $name")

# Call the function

# Perform some basic calculations
x = 10
y = 5
result = x + y

# Display the result
println("The result of $x + $y is $result")
Running a simple Julia script


  • Lines 4–6: function greet(name) defines a function named greet that takes one argument called name. println("Hello, $name") prints a greeting message, where $name is a placeholder that gets replaced with the actual value of the name argument when the function is called.

  • Line 9: greet("Julia") calls the greet function with the argument "Julia." This triggers the execution of the function and prints the greeting message "Hello, Julia."

  • Line 12–14: x = 10 and y = 5 assign the values 10 and 5 to variables x and y, respectively. result = x + y calculates the sum of x and y and stores the result in the variable result.

  • Line 17: Here we print a message displaying the result of the calculation. Again, $x, $y, and $result are placeholders replaced with the actual values when printing.

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