How to solve RuntimeError : CUDA Error

CUDA runtime errors can occur due to various reasons:

  • CUDA driver not installed

  • CUDA driver version mismatch

  • Invalid device ordinal or GPU not found

  • Out-of-memory (OOM) errors due to insufficient GPU memory

  • Illegal memory access (e.g., accessing memory out of bounds)

  • Incompatible CUDA versions between libraries and the CUDA Toolkit

  • Incompatible GPU driver versions with the installed CUDA Toolkit

  • Compatibility issues between CUDA and other libraries (e.g., cuDNN, NCCL)

Diagnosing CUDA run time errros

First, you need to install the CUDA Toolkit on your system.

  1. Go to the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit download page.

  2. Select your operating system, architecture, distribution, and version.

  3. Download the CUDA Toolkit installer appropriate for your system.

  4. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

After installing the CUDA Toolkit, you can verify the installation by checking the version of CUDA installed on your system using the nvcc command in the terminal:

nvcc --version
CUDA Toolkit

Once the CUDA Toolkit is installed, you can use it in your Python code by installing the torch package using pip:

pip install torch

Check CUDA driver installation:

import torch
if not torch.cuda.is_available():
print("CUDA driver is not installed.")
print("CUDA driver is installed.")

If an error occurs or CUDA driver is not available, you may need to re-install or update the CUDA driver for your GPU.

Check CUDA driver version mismatch:

import torch
print(f"CUDA driver version: {torch.version.cuda}")
print(f"CUDA runtime version: {torch.version.cuda_runtime}")
# Compare the CUDA driver version with the CUDA runtime version
if torch.version.cuda != torch.version.cuda_runtime:
print("CUDA driver version mismatch!")

If the CUDA driver version and CUDA runtime version do not match, ensure that you installed compatible versions of the CUDA toolkit and GPU drivers.

Check device availability and GPU not found:

import torch
if not torch.cuda.is_available():
print("No CUDA-enabled devices found.")
device = torch.device("cuda:0") # Use the first GPU
print(f"Using device: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(device)}")

If no CUDA-enabled devices are found, ensure that you have a compatible GPU and that it is properly connected.

Out-of-memory (OOM) errors:

import torch
# Code that requires GPU memory
# ...
except RuntimeError as e:
if "out of memory" in str(e):
print("Out of GPU memory.")
# Try reducing the batch size or modifying the code to use less memory
raise # Re-raise the exception if it's not an OOM error

If the code throws an error, here's what you can do:

  • If it's an out-of-memory error, try reducing the batch size or modifying the code to use less memory, such as truncating or padding sequences or optimizing memory usage.

  • If it's not an out-of-memory error, re-raise the exception to investigate and address the underlying cause.

Check CUDA library compatibility:

import torch
# Get the installed CUDA driver version
cuda_driver_version = torch._C._cuda_getDriverVersion()
print(f"Installed CUDA driver version: {cuda_driver_version}")
# Compare the installed CUDA driver version with the required driver version
required_driver_version = 465 # Replace with your required driver version
if cuda_driver_version < required_driver_version:
print("Incompatible GPU driver version!")

If an incompatible CUDA version occurs, ensure that the versions of the libraries you are using(e.g., Torch,Torchvision) are compatible with the installed CUDA Toolkit version.

Check compatibility with other libraries (e.g., cuDNN):

import torch
# Check if cuDNN is available
if torch.backends.cudnn.is_available():
print("cuDNN is available.")
print("cuDNN is not available.")

If cuDNN is not available, ensure that you have installed it correctly. Check the documentation of the library you are using (e.g., Torch) to verify compatibility requirements and installations steps for cuDNN.

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