How to use numpy.unwrap() function in Python

The numpy.unwrap() function

The numpy.unwrap() function is a numpy’s function used to unwrap a given array by transforming deltas to 2*pi complement values.

This function unwraps the radian phase, p (arr), along the supplied axis by converting absolute leaps greater than a discount to their 2*pi complement.


numpy. unwrap ( p,
               axis=- 1,
               period=6.283185307179586 )


  • p: it represents the specified array.
  • discount: Th parameter is an optional float type. It represents the maximum discontinuity between values. The default value is pi.
  • axis: This parameter is an integer type, and it’s optional. It represents the axis along which the unwrap() function is to be performed. The default value is the last axis.
  • period: This parameter is float type, and it’s optional. It represents the size of the input wrap range. The default value is 2 pi.


# import numpy
import numpy as np
# create a list
my_list = [24,8,3,4,34,8]
# convert the list to numpy array
np_list = np.array(my_list)
print(f"Original array before the np.unwrap(): {np_list}")
# unwrap each element and store it
np_list_unwrap = np.unwrap(np_list)
print("After the np.unwrap()")


  • Line 2: We import the library numpy.
  • Line 4: We create a list called my_list.
  • Line 6: We convert the list to a NumPy array and store it in a variable named np_list.
  • Line 7: We display elements in np_list.
  • Line 8: We use the np.unwrap() to unwrap the given array, np_list, by converting it to 2*pi complement values.
  • Line 10–11: We display the result.

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