How to use projection operators in MongoDB to filter data

Document-oriented database, MongoDB is a type of NoSQL database. Different types of operators are available in MongoDB for usage when interacting with the database.

Projection operators perform the different operations on the array to project elements. The projection operators available in MongoDB are listed below:

  • $

  • $elemMatch

  • $meta

  • $slice

We'll use the following database to perform different projection operators where the database name is educative, and it has a collection named courses.

use educative //selecting our database{}) //showing all the documents of "courses"
{ _id: 10, course_name: 'python', hours: [10,14,20] },
{ _id: 11, course_name: 'C++', hours: [10,15] },
{ _id: 12, course_name: 'java', hours: [10,11,12] }
Sample database

Note: To learn about array operators in MongoDB, click here.

The $operator

The $ operator is used to match the first element from an array that is specified in the given query condition. Only a single $ operator can be used in one query.


The syntax of $ operator is:

{ <array.field>: <condition> ...},
{ "<array>.$": 1 }

Code example

Here's an example of $ operator:

//query {hours: { $gte: 12}}, {"hours.$": 1})
{ _id: 10, hours: [ 14 ] },
{ _id: 11, hours: [ 15 ] },
{ _id: 12, hours: [ 12 ] }

The above query returns only the first value of hours from each document that is greater or equal to 12.

The $elemMatchoperator

The $elemMatch operator matches documents with an array field with at least one element that satisfies all the specified query criteria.


Here's the syntax of $elemMatch operator:

<query1>, <query2>, ...

Code example

An example of the $elemMatch operator is given below:

//query{ "hours": { $elemMatch: {$gte: 11, $lt: 15}}}).pretty()
{ _id: 10, course_name: 'python', hours: [ 10, 14, 20 ] },
{ _id: 12, course_name: 'java', hours: [ 10, 11, 12 ] }

The $elemMatch query returns only those hours values that are greater than or equal to 11 and less than 15.


The $meta operator is used to see the metadata or description of the document while searching text.


The syntax of $meta operator is:

{ $meta: <metaDataKeyword> }

The $meta operator can be used with keyword textScore that returns the score of associated $text query for each matching document.

Note: We can use $meta within a sort() function but the textScore metadata will be sorted in descending order.


Here's an example of $meta operator:

Step 1: Create an index for the field course_name:{"course_name": "text"})

Step 2: Run the $meta query to search text:

{$text : {$search: "python"}},
{score: {$meta: "textScore"},
_id: 0}
[ { course_name: ‘python’, hours: [ 10, 14, 20 ], score: 1.1 } ]

The above query returns the document that contains the text python and textScore associated with this text.

Note: The _id: 0 field is used to omit the object_id of each document for a more straightforward output.

The $sliceoperator

The $slice operator is used to limit or skip the number of elements in an array that are specified in the query.


The syntax of $slice operator is:

{ <arrayField>: { $slice: <number> } }
{ <arrayField>: { $slice: [ <number to skip>, <number to return> ] } }


Here's an example of $slice operator:

//query { }, { _id: 0, "hours": { $slice: 1 } } )
{ course_name: 'python', hours: [ 10 ] },
{ course_name: 'C++', hours: [ 10 ] },
{ course_name: 'java', hours: [ 10 ] }

The above query returned only the first values of the hours as we have used 1 in the query.

Run your queries

You can run all the aforementioned MongoDB queries in the terminal below:

Terminal 1

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