How to use the np.multiply() function for a 2D array in Python


The python library NumPy has a method called multiply() which can be used to multiply two input arrays.

The numpy.multiply() method

The numpy.multiply() method returns the product of the two input arrays, element-wise.

Note: A two-dimensional (2D) array can be created using a list of lists in Python.


numpy.multiply(arr1, arr2, dtype=None, out=None)


  • arr1: This represents the input data.
  • arr2: This represents the input data.
  • dtype: This is an optional parameter. It represents the return type of the array.
  • out: This is an optional parameter. It represents the alternative output array in which the result is to be placed.

Return value

The method returns the product of the arr1 and arr2 arrays element by element.

Note: If the out parameter is specified, it returns an array reference to out.


The following code shows how to multiply two-dimensional (2D) arrays using the numpy.multipy() method.

# import numpy
import numpy as np
# create a two 2D arrays
arr1 = np.array([[2,6,5],[3,4,8]])
arr2 = np.array([[1,7,2],[10,9,4]])
# multiply the 2D arrays
# and store the result in arr_mul
arr_mul = np.multiply(arr1, arr2)


  • Line 2: We import the numpy library.
  • Lines 4–5: We create two 2D arrays, arr1 and arr2.
  • Line 9: We use np.multiply() to multiple the arrays arr1 and arr2.
  • Line 11: We display the result.

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