How to use the strconv.Unquote() function in Golang

The strconv.Unquote() function

The strconv package’s Unquote() function is used to read the given string s as a single-quoted, double-quoted, or backquoted string and return the string value that s quotes.


func Unquote(s string) (string, error)


  • s: This is the value of the quoted string from which the string is obtained.

Return value

The Unquote() function returns the string value quoted by the specified string s.

Note: The Unquote() function returns the equivalent one-character string if there is a single-quoted string.


The following code shows how to implement the strconv.Unquote() function in Golang.

// using strconv.Unquote() Function in Golang
package main
import (
func main() {
// declare variable s, err and assign value to it
s, err := strconv.Unquote("`Golang is one of my favourite programming languages`")
// display result
fmt.Printf("The value for s: %q, and error: %v\n", s, err)
// reassigning value to s, err
s, err = strconv.Unquote("Golang is one of my favourite programming languages")
// display result
fmt.Printf("The value for s: %q, and error: %v\n", s, err)


  • Line 4: We add the main package.
  • Lines 6–9: We import the necessary packages for the Golang project.
  • Lines 10–21: We define the main() function.
  • Line 13: We define the variables s and err, pass a value to the Unquote() function, and assign it to the variables.
  • Line 20: We print the results.

Note: If the value of s is syntactically valid, then the error will be <nil>.

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