What are constructors in Dart programming?


Constructors are a type of method for initializing an object when it is created in a program.

When an object is created in object-oriented programming, the constructor is automatically called, whether or not it’s explicitly defined.

Every class has a default constructor that is built by the compiler when the class is called, and each class can optionally define its own constructor.

What distinguishes the constructor from other Class methods?

The constructor and other class methods have several significant differences.

  1. The constructor has the same name as the class name.
  2. The constructor does not have a return type.
  3. When an object is created, the constructor is automatically invoked.
  4. If no constructor is specified, the default no-argument constructor is used.


class_name( [ parameters ] ){
    // Constructor Body


// Dart Program to create a constructor
// Creating Class named Gfg
class Shot{
// Creating property of the class Shot
String shot1;
// Creating Constructor
Shot() {
// Whenever constructor is called
// this statement will be executed
print('Constructor was called');
// Creating Function inside class
void display(){
print("This is a shot on $shot1");
void main() {
// Creating Instance of class
Shot shot = new Shot();
shot.shot1 = 'Constructor in Dart';
// Calling function name display()
// using object of the class shot

Types of constructors

There are three types of constructors:

  1. Default constructor
  2. Parameterized constructor
  3. Named constructor

Default constructor

The default constructor is a constructor that does not have any parameters.


The syntax is given below:

class ClassName {  
   ClassName() {  
   // constructor body  


// Creating Class named Shot
class Shot{
// Creating Constructor
Shot() {
print('This is the default constructor');
void main() {
// Creating Instance of class
Shot s1 = new Shot();

Parameterized constructor

The parameterized constructor is the constructor that takes parameters. It’s used to set the value of instance variables.


The syntax is given below:

class ClassName {  
  // constructor body 

Note: Two constructors with the same name but different parameters cannot exist. The compiler will throw an error.


// Creating Class named Shot
class Shot{
// Creating parameterized Constructor
Shot(String title) {
print("This is the $title constructor");
void main() {
// Creating Instance of class
Shot s1 = new Shot("parameterized");

Named constructor

This sort of constructor is the solution to the problem of having numerous constructors with the same name. It allows you to create several constructors, each with its own name.


The syntax is given below:


Multiple constructors in a single class can be declared using named constructors.


// Creating Class Person
class Person{
// Creating parameterized Constructor
Person.detailConstructor(String name) {
print("$name lives on the highland.");
// Creating default constructor
Person.detailConstructor2() {
print("Maria is a Flutter developer");
void main() {
// Creating Instance of class
Person p1 = new Person.detailConstructor("Maria");
Person p2 = new Person.detailConstructor2();

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