The log10
function takes in one argument of any numerical data-type and returns its base 10 or common logarithm.
To use the log10
function, the cmath
header file needs to be included in the program:
#include <cmath>
The function takes in one parameter of any numerical data-type supported by C++. The following is a non-exhaustive list of valid data-types for the function parameter:
The value of the function parameter must be greater than 0; otherwise, the function will return NaN
returns a value of data-type double. The data-type of the input parameter does not affect the return value’s data-type.
The return value depends on the input parameters. This is shown in the following example.
The code below shows that if the input parameter is greater than 1, the return value is positive:
#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main (){int input = 2;double output;output = log10(input);cout << "The base-10 logarithm of " << input << " is " <<output<<"." <<endl;return 0;}
The following code shows that if the input parameter is equal to 1, the return value is 0:
#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main (){int input = 1;double output;output = log10(input);cout << "The base-10 logarithm of " << input << " is " <<output<<"." <<endl;return 0;}
Here, the code shows that if the input parameter is greater than 0 but smaller than one, the return value is negative:
#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main (){double input = 0.5;double output;output = log10(input);cout << "The base-10 logarithm of " << input << " is " <<output<<"." <<endl;return 0;}
The code below shows that if the input parameter is 0, the return value is negative infinity:
#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main (){int input = 0;double output;output = log10(input);cout << "The base-10 logarithm of " << input << " is " <<output<<"." <<endl;return 0;}
The code below shows that if the input parameter is smaller than 0, the return value is NaN
#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main (){int input = -1;double output;output = log10(input);cout << "The base-10 logarithm of " << input << " is " <<output<<"." <<endl;return 0;}
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