What are the arithmetic operators in R?


The arithmetic operators in R are used to perform mathematical operations. The most common arithmetic operators, alongside their names and examples, are shown in the table below:

Operator Name Examples
+ Addition operator: Takes the sum of two operands 3 + 2 = 5
- Subtraction operator: Subtracts the right operand from the left operand 3 - 2 = 1
* Multiplication operator: Takes the multiplication of the operands 3 * 2 = 6
/ Division operator: Takes the division of the operands 6 / 2 = 3
^ Exponential: Takes the power of an operand against the other 3 ^ 2 = 9
%% Modulus operator: Returns the remainder integer after the division of the operands 3 %% 2 = 1
%/% Integer division operator: Returns the integer part of a division and does away with the decimal part 16 % / % 3 = 5


Let’s write a code to include all the assignment operators highlighted in the table above:

x <- 16
y <- 3
paste('x = ', x )
paste('y = ', y)
# Using the addition operator
paste('x + y = ', x + y)
# using the subtraction operator
paste('x - y = ', x - y)
# using the multiplication operator
paste('x * y = ', x * y)
# using the division operator
paste('x / y = ', x / y)
# using the exponential operator
paste('x ^ y = ', x ^ y)
# using the modulus operator
paste('x %% y = ', x %% y)
# using the integer division operator
paste('x %/% y = ', x %/% y)

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