What is an alarm clock algorithm?

The alarm clock algorithm escalates the breadth-first search (BFS) by skipping the dummy nodes or reducing the time spent on unnecessary nodes. In this Answer, we will explain the alarm clock algorithm by considering the below-illustrated graph.


Steps to implement an alarm clock algorithm

The main steps of this algorithm are mentioned below.

  1. The starting node is denoted SS as shown in the graph. The alarm clock of the start node is set at T=0T = 0. Here, TT represents time.

  2. Repeat the following steps until there is no more alarm.

    1. Let the next alarm go off at time TT for dummy node dd , which means that we have reached at dd at distance TT from the starting node.

    2. For each neighbor of a nodedd in the original graph GG:

      1. If there is no alarm set for node nn yet, set the alarm for time T+l(d,n)T + l(d,n), where l(d,n)l(d,n)is the edge length between nodes dd and nn.

      2. If an alarm is already set for a node nn compare its current time with T+l(d,n)T + l(d,n). If the current alarm is set for a later time, update it to the earlier time T+l(d,n)T + l(d,n).

In the alarm clock algorithms, the primary purpose is to wake up the algorithm whenever it reaches an actual node. This process will allow us to reduce time and skip dummy nodes present in the graph GG'. The algorithm will set the time for each node, as explained above.


In the graph GG', the BFS algorithm progresses through the first 8989 minutes, exploring dummy nodes SXS-X and SYS-Y. Alarms are set for nodes XX and YY at times 9090 and 300300, respectively. Suppose that at every minute, the algorithms pass only one dummy node.

When the alarm for node XX goes off at T=90T = 90, the algorithm will find the node XX. As it finds the node XX, the estimated arrival time for node YY will be adjusted to T=130T=130. This is because there is a path from SXYS-X-Y that has the minimum distance from SYS-Y.

This ensures that whenever the algorithm finds the actual node, the alarm will beep, and the path for the graph will be updated accordingly.


There are several advantages of using an alarm clock algorithm, some of which are given below:

  • BFS takes a lot of time while traversing through a graph. With the help of the alarm clock algorithm, we can pass through dummy nodes by setting the alarm to snooze, but when we encounter an actual node, we set the alarm to wake up.

  • The main advantage of using the alarm clock algorithm is finding the shortest path from one node to the other.


In this Answer, we learned how to find the shortest path with the help of the alarm clock algorithm. This algorithm helps us in finding the most efficient path between the nodes of the graph. Also, we use it to calculate the distances with the positive edge length. Hopefully, with the help of this Answer, you will have a better grasp of the alarm clock algorithm. Therefore, it is time to solve a quick quiz.


How does the alarm clock algorithm handle graphs with long edges and dummy nodes?


By snoozing through uneventful phases and focusing on real nodes.


By constructing a modified graph with dummy nodes.


By skipping the exploration of long edges entirely.


None of the above.

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