What is ASIN() in SQL?

The ASIN() functionalso called the arc sine function returns the inverse sine of a number. To be more specific, it returns the inverse sine of a number in the radian float value.

Figure 1 shows the mathematical representation of the ASIN() function, and Figure 2 shows the visual representation of the ASIN() function.

Figure 1: Mathematical representation of inverse sine function
Figure 2: Visual representation of inverse sine function




This function requires a number as a parameter. The parameter must be a float value between -1 and 1, i.e., -1 <= parameter <= 1.

Return Value

ASIN() returns the inverse sine of a numberradian float value that is sent as a parameter. If the parameter is not between -1 and 1, it returns NULL.


/*example showing how to use ASIN(X)*/
-- positive number
select ASIN(1);
-- negative number
select ASIN(-1);
-- fractional number
select ASIN(0.6);
-- not between -1 and 1
select ASIN(3);
select ASIN(-3);

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