Forms are an integral part of every website; they can be used to collect user data, feedback, and user authentication. As developers, we aim to make users' experiences on a website as good as possible and make things easier for ourselves. We can achieve this by formatting input fields in a real-time model. This increases users' readability and enables developers to minimize errors as they have a data pattern pulled across the application. Cleave.js is used for this purpose.
Cleave.js is a JavaScript library that easily formats input fields as we type. It allows us to specify a pattern or mask to control the data pattern entered into an input field. Cleave.js also helps increase the readability of our input field. It is easy to use and lightweight, and works with all modern browsers.
We can format different input fields with Cleave.js. The primary types of formatting in Cleave.js are as follows:
Credit card number formatting
Phone number formatting
Date formatting
Numerical formatting
Custom delimiter, prefix, and block patterns
Cleave.js also allows formatting monetary values by adding currency symbols and formatting number inputs with decimal places, thousands of separators, and more. Additionally, it allows for masking input fields, which can be used to format sensitive information such as passwords and social security numbers.
We must install a React.js application and a Cleave.js library to get started.
We can install the Cleave.js library by running the following commands in the terminal:
// NPMnpm install cleave.js//YARNyarn add cleave.js
Let's create a payment form to learn more about this:
const reportWebVitals = onPerfEntry => { if (onPerfEntry && onPerfEntry instanceof Function) { import('web-vitals').then(({ getCLS, getFID, getFCP, getLCP, getTTFB }) => { getCLS(onPerfEntry); getFID(onPerfEntry); getFCP(onPerfEntry); getLCP(onPerfEntry); getTTFB(onPerfEntry); }); } }; export default reportWebVitals;
Line 14: We'll import the necessary modules needed from the React and Cleave.js library. The useState
hook from React is used to manage the state of the form fields, and the Cleave component from the Cleave.js library is used to format the input fields. We also import style.css
for styling our payment form.
Lines 6–12: We create a functional component that renders the payment form, and we'll also define five state variables setting each variable initially to an empty string using the useState
hook. The associated set functions are used to update the state of an input when the user enters data.
Lines 20–29: We create a label element and a Cleave component. The Cleave component is used to format the input field for the creditCardNumber
. The options prop
is set to { creditCard: true }
to format the input as a credit card number. The value prop is set to {creditCardNumber}
so that the input field is initialized with the current value of the creditCardNumber
state variable.
Lines 33–41: We create a label element and a Cleave component; the Cleave component is used to format the input field for the expiration date. We set the options prop
to format the input as a date so that it accepts two digits each for the month, year, and day. We also set the value to {expirationDate}
so that the input field is initialized with the current value of the expirationDate
state variable and the onChange
prop is set to an arrow function that calls the setExpirationDate
function with the value entered by the user, updating the state of the expirationDate
Lines 46–54: We create a label element and a Cleave component. The Cleave component is used to format the input field of cvv. The options prop is set to { blocks: [3], numericOnly: true }
to format the input as a numeric input of length 3. The value prop is set to {cvv}
so that the input field is initialized with the current value of the cvv state variable and the onChange
prop is set to an arrow function that calls the setCvv
function with the value entered by the user, updating the state of the cvv
Lines 61–70: We create a label element and a Cleave component. The Cleave component is used to format the input field of time. The options prop is set to time: true
which formats the input as a time value. The timePattern: ["h","m"]
formats the time value as hours and minutes. The value prop is set to the current value of the time state variable and the onChange
prop is used to update the time state variable with the new value as the user types into the input element.
Lines 71–87: We create a custom delimeter, prefix, and block patterns for our phone input field. We set the option prop to prefix:"+234"
which adds a prefix of +234 to the input value. The numericOnly: true
accepts only numeric input. We set blocks to blocks: [4,3,4]
which formats the input into groups of 4 digits, 3 digits, and 4 digits. The delimiters: [" -"]
separates the input into groups with a " -" delimiter. The ref
prop is used to create a reference to the input element, and the value prop is set to the current value of the phoneNumber
state variable. The onChange
prop is used to update the phoneNumber state variable with the new value as the user types into the input element.
We successfully formatted our credit card number, date, time, numerical inputs, and phone number with Cleave.js. It saved us a lot of time and offered user satisfaction.
Learn more about what can be achieved with Cleave.js in the official documentation.
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