What is LLMMathChain?

Key takeaways

  • LLMMathChain is a utility chain in LangChain that enhances the mathematical capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by generating and executing Python code to solve complex math problems.

  • To implement LLMMathChain in Python, we need to import necessary modules, create an OpenAI instance, define the chain components, and execute queries while tracking token usage.

In LangChain, chains are fundamental building blocks designed to process input by using a specific combination of elements. These elements, known as links, can be either primitives or other chains. Primitives include prompts, LLMs (large language models), utilities, or other chains. A chain essentially acts as a pipeline, performing a set of operations on an input and returning a result. This can range from a prompt-based pass through an LLM to the application of a Python function to text.

Types of chains

Chains are categorized into three types.

Utility chains

These are specific-purpose chains used to extract a particular answer from an LLM. They have a very narrow purpose and are ready to use right out of the box. Utility chains are usually straightforward and designed for specific tasks, like LLMMathChain, which enhances an LLM’s ability to solve mathematical problems.

Generic chains

These chains serve as building blocks for other chains but are not used on their own directly. Generic chains provide foundational functionalities that can be combined in various ways to create more complex and specialized chains. They’re essentially components that can be assembled in different configurations to achieve a wide range of tasks.

Combine documents chains

These are more specialized and are not covered in the basic explanation. They’re designed for tasks that involve combining and processing information from multiple documents.


LLMMathChain is a utility chain in LangChain that enhances the mathematical capabilities of large language models (LLMs). It overcomes LLMs’ inherent limitations in performing mathematical calculations.

When encountering a complex mathematical query, LLMMathChain does not attempt to solve it directly. Instead, it generates Python code that can compute the solution. This code is then executed in a Python environment to obtain an accurate answer.

Implementation in Python

We utilize LLMMathChain to solve complex math problems using LLM. To implement LLMMathChain in Python, we typically begin by importing the necessary modules from the LangChain library. We utilize LLMMathChain to solve complex math problems using an LLM. Next, we define the components of our chain. In our demonstration example, we’re using two chain components: the prompt and the LLM. Each component is responsible for a specific task in the NLP process.

LLMMathChain primarily uses natural language understanding (NLU) to comprehend math problems. It breaks down text, identifies key elements, and constructs mathematical equations. Additional NLP techniques like text summarization and question answering might be used for complex problems.

from langchain import OpenAI
from langchain.chains import LLMMathChain
from langchain.callbacks import get_openai_callback
llm = OpenAI(
def count_tokens(chain, query):
with get_openai_callback() as cb:
result = chain.invoke(query)
print(f'Spent a total of {cb.total_tokens} tokens')
return result
llm_math = LLMMathChain(llm=llm)
count_tokens(llm_math, "What is 13 raised to the .2423 power?")

Note: Make sure to replace OpenAI_API_Key with your actual OpenAI API key.

Code explanation

  • Lines 1–3: We import the necessary modules like OpenAI, get_openai_callback and LLMMathChain from LangChain. LLMMathChain specializes in mathematical operations.

  • Lines 5–8: We create an instance of the OpenAI class with a specified "OpenAI-API-Key". The temperature parameter is set to 0, which typically means the model will generate more deterministic and less random responses.

  • Line 10–15: We define a function that takes a chain and a query as arguments. The function is designed to execute a query using a specified chain and track the number of tokens used in the process.

    • Lines 11–12: We use a context manager to initiate a callback for tracking token usage. We then execute the query using the invoke() method of the provided chain. This method sends the query to the chain for processing.

    • Lines 13–15: We print the query result and the total number of tokens spent processing the query.

  • Line 17: We initialize an instance of LLMMathChain using the previously created OpenAI object.

  • Line 18: We call the count_tokens() function with the llm_math chain and a mathematical query. This executes the query, prints the result, and shows the total tokens used.

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