What is Period.plusMonths() in Java?

plusMonths() is an instance method of the Period class. It is used to add the specified number of months. The years and days units are unaffected.

The plusMonths() method is defined in the Period class. The Period class is defined in the java.time package. Here is how we import the Period class.

import java.time.Period;


public Period plusMonths(long monthsToAdd)


  • long monthsToAdd: The number of months to add. It can be positive or negative.

Return value

This method returns a new instance of the Period class with the number of months added.


In the below code, we add three months to the basePeriod object with the help of the plusMonths() method and print the new object to the console.

import java.time.Period;
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numYears = 5;
int numMonths = 10;
int numDays = 13;
// Define a period object
Period basePeriod = Period.of(numYears, numMonths, numDays);
// number of days to add
int monthsToAdd = 3;
// New Period object after the addition
Period newPeriod = basePeriod.plusMonths(monthsToAdd);
System.out.printf("%s + %s months = %s", basePeriod, monthsToAdd, newPeriod);